school *rant

i’m smarter than yinz guys


In my opinion, there’s another reason these courses are required. They teach people how to learn.

if u can’t learn by the time ur in college, ur in deep shit.

Welcome to life.

eh. will see what happens, I always find away around the system somehow.

Yea, school is a pain. I know how you feel, i wish i could have some awsome job and make a bunch of money and spend it on cars and other things instead of being stuck in school. But all the fancy cars in the world arent worth missing an education. Im sure one day your going to get married, have kids, buy a house and all that other shit you do when you grow up. And when that happens whats a fancy car going to do for you then?

I wouldnt worry about moving away, a lot of people will move away to, you just have to learn how to keep in touch with everyone, and youll make friends whereever you go im sure. And you can always come back to see family and stuff when you want. Hell, you might move somewhere you end up liking more then pittsburgh.

So in the end, just stick it out. School will be done in no time.

my company reimburses my tuition.

It will take me abit longer to complete my degree, but gaining experience at the same time, and not paying for my education.

$45k + Free School FTW.

Tough part is finding a place that reimburses tuition. So good luck.

BTW, if anyone here is an engineer, we’re looking for people at work.

ohh, i agree, a degree gets you an interview, experience gets you the job!

I am also taking viscom classes…but i did things in reverse I have been in the printing field for bout 11 years now.Honestly if you enjoy graphics look into digital prepress work. it pays ok and still allows you to be creative. I am going to school with the ultimate goal of being self employed. Even with a bs in graphics I couldnt start at what i make now as a union printer. Sadly

i’ve yet to work for a company that did NOT reimburse for tuition… so it most likely differs depending on your field.

school is good for some, a waste of time for others. I wish I would have stuck around and got a business degree, but oh well. I know it sounds kinda cocky but for most of the gen ed classes at RMU, not counting the math classes, I probably could have taught them as well as or better than the professors did. I hated that shit, and it bored me to tears… I failed English 101 3 semesters in a row, yet never got anything lower than a 97 on any of my papers. I just refused to do the stupid busywork that they would try to give us. To me, when I’m paying a shit ton of money to go to a school to learn, it should be on MY terms so to speak… for a professor or a system to tell me I’ve failed a class that I OBVIOUSLY excelled in just put me off of the whole thing.


oh, and starboy is a massive gaping vagina.

Do what it takes to finish school. It is worth it. I didn’t truly realize how valuable my education was until about 5 years after I graduated.

…and you are correct. You might have to leave the Pittsburgh area upon graduation. I left the area because I couldn’t get a job with no experience in the 'burg when I graduated. I moved to Hartford, CT for 3 years. I had never even met anyone from CT until I interviewed and moved there. While in CT, I made alot of friends, picked up a wife, learned one HELL of alot about myself, then made it back 3 years later. It’s a well-trodden path and it’s not all bad.

i think people that say you ‘have’ to leave because of any reason are selling themselves short… there are companies that hire out of school kids… and there are times and places for non-experience people to prove themselves…

you can argue all you want… my situation was that i started with nothing and got to where i’m at all the while living in pittsburgh…

don’t give up or think it’s impossible… otherwise you’re making it that much harder on yourself in the long run…