looking for new job

As the title states im looking for a new job ive been at my current job for the last 8 years and its finally time to move on. Looking for something full time. Would prefer monday-friday but will consider other routes.Will consider anything 10$ an hour or more. Ive tried applying everywhere and havent gotten any phone calls (cintas,ray laks,west herr,bank of america,etc). If anyone knows anywhere or could help me out that would be sweet. Ive worked at wegmans part time for the last 8 years in stocking, warehouse , and customer service. There is no current room for me to advance, that would be decent and sufficient enough for me to pursue it. And to be honest , after 8 years im sick of having to deal with psychotic senile retarded old people non stop on a daily basis making 9.90 an hour working random different shifts and getting treated like shit. That being said im open to anything thanks.


would be helpful to know what(if) you have degree’s or certifications in, special skills, etc.

what do you do now?

Lol, good freaking luck.

If your resume is as bad as your wanted post, I think I may know why you aren’t getting responses back.

This. Do some research on resume building and dressing/talking/acting professional. Ingram Micro has entry level positions that require no more than a high school degree and some sales experience, but no one is going to want to hire the guy that is just lookin for a job that pays x amount, doesn’t care what he’s doing and will take just about any job. Step your game up!

Sorry I posted this running out the door on the way to the doctors. I am a semester away from an associates degree in liberal I’ve been working at Wegmans in customer service for the last 8 years there but it’s time to leave lol

Jesus Christ you guys are nazis haha. My resume is on my computer. I posted this on my way out the door to get a general heads up if anyone knew any dealerships they worked at were hiring or anything or anything along those lines . So if you don’t have any input or Info for me there’s no reason to even post in this thread .

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

I’ve had a couple union jobs lined up but they fell through of course. I’ve applied at Cintas , west herr, Bank of America, ray laks, etc. I have a lot of customer service experience , experience in automotive sales, I’d be willing to do manual labor, mental labor it doesn’t really matter because I’ve done it all.

You could apply to my place. We are always looking for motivated sales ppl. Going into winter may be tough for you though.

+1 on trying Ingram

Are you trying to start a career?

This is a tough time of year for auto sales and it isn’t a great career unless your Beck.

I have thought about ingram myself. I need to ditch the weekends gig and get myself a weekly 9-5. I have been in sales here for 4 years and am consistently a top sales guy and have tons of highend accounts. I’m afraid Ingram might give me the challenge in looking for but not the pay I want/have now.


This year hasn’t been as good as last year, not in the sense of a lower income, but in the sense that it didn’t go up. Bah humbug.

I don’t hire people I know anymore, but you should throw your resumes around a couple of the Basil stores. I’m sure they could use c-techs and/or parts guys. Just not my store and don’t drop my name.

Lol Not necessarily a career man, it would be fine if it blossomed into be one but I’m just looking for something that’s better what I’m doing right now while I figure out if I want to go back to school or learn a trade eventually. Ill look into Ingram my cousins worked there for years and she doesn’t mind it and it seems to pay the bills.

If you’re top sales, I’m assuming you’re making north of $75k+?

You won’t make that at ingram, unless you get into a management position and even then, I don’t know how stable it is there. Weekly 9-5’s are nice, but to make big money, you’re going to have to be willing to do it and there aren’t that many around. Especially without a specialized degree/MD/JD and even then, you won’t be working 9-5. Compromise.

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ----------

At your age, you need to be looking at a career. A liberal arts degree from a community college isn’t going to expand your horizons or increase your chances of getting a job from what you have now. Find a niche job and run with it. Bank what you can now and don’t work as hard when you’re older.

Even if you spend the next 4 years obtaining a BS or BA, you’re going to get out and you’re not going to have any better luck finding a 9-5 that pays $60,000.

Now I’m just plain confused. You originally said you were looking to “grow up” and get an adult job. Working at a car dealer is not exactly what I think of when I hear “adult job”

An associates in Liberal Arts is going to mean absolutely nothing. Sounds like 8yrs experience in customer service is about the best thing you’ve got to show on your resume.

I reccommend NOT getting a sales gig at Buffalo RV or a car dealer. especially this time of year. Try Ingram if sales is what you’re after and a M-F 9-5er. That or Geico.

I’m willing to compromise, I just don’t want weekends. I’m also willing to take a paycut to maybe 50/60k if the potential was there to move up.

Take all your money and earnings, split it between a 401k and emerging markets. Buy a house. Get your small ROI from that. In 20 years, retire…move somewhere else. Cash your house, take everything you’ve acquired and sell it. Become liquid as possible and then move to an island and work at a resort as a bartender 25 weeks a year. Trick is you have to move somewhere that the cost of living is cheap. That’s my plan…retire @ 45 and move to Ecuador and live like a bauce for less than $1,000 a month, maids, gardeners and a servant. :rofl:

Hahaha or you could just retire as a comedian…

Try to figure out something you enjoy doing and work towards it?

If you know you’re in a dead end job at Wegmans get out and move on you’re not getting younger.

Buy a mini van and lmk when you do I could get you a job as long as you don’t do drugs and have a clean driving record, my place is always looking for drivers, you get paid extremely well.

Geico for the moneyyyyy

No. Seriously. Look up “Retiring Abroad”.


It’s completely feasible. You just need liquidity.