looking for new job

You wont get hired on as more than an sales coordinator, which wont get you near $50k. Put in your year, keep an eye out for openings, and move up.

edit: that is, if you go in on a sales team.

edit edit: and honestly, these guys are glorified order takers.

yea buddy

Does geico seriously pay that well?

Sent you a pm, you might be interested.

What do you consider well? lol

what a joke Geico is…

revolving door, chained to your desk, going to the bathroom on your non-break affects your work, crappy technical hardware for all the apps that need to be run… not good for 30k a year… Profit sharing is ok.

Geico is like 30-40k thats according to a few people I know that work there.

Geico starts around 30K/year I think…

I am just saying that you may be a smart kid but no one is gonna throw up a job and possible refer you to help you if your initial post looks like it was written by a 10 year old.

As for GEICO, I know a lot of people who work there and got hired with basic schooling. The only problems I have heard is that it takes forever to get hired there for the whole process. I think my friend waited almost 5 months between interviews and his start date.

30 for customer service as in claims…
35+ for sales and bonuses based on commission.

If you want to be promoted, you need to take their business classes from ECC rather than going to Canisus or UB for MBA

I sold cars for a couple years, did very well. Last december i started at Verizon wireless, it was a pay cut but better potential imo. Now less than a year later i got a promotion to business sales account executive which with hard work is a fix figure job. Life is what you make of it, if your only looking for a ten dollar an hour job then that’s all you will end up with

Not what these guys are saying it pays, that’s why I asked lol

Maybe you should get into computers?

apply at ingram for any licenseing job will most likley get an interview.

Yeah a sales spot at Ingram definitely won’t pay close to that. You might be able to get a spot in Market Development for somewhere in the 40s if you’re lucky, but for any of the higher up positions at Ingram the hires are usually made internally.

Mobile and Security is where it is at…

If you have people skills, half a clue, and couple years to dedicate to learning no reason you couldn’t clear 100k in security at least on the consulting side.

Mobile usually requires some programming background.

If you can keep focused and don’t get complacent you can jump jobs in Buffalo IT and make pretty good money in a 2-3 years.(entry level to a higher level position)

A lot of people get lazy and wonder why they never move up from help desk or they get scared of taking new opportunities.

IT is cool but it’s not for everyone. Though, you could probably do decent working helpdesk or being a LAN Admin or something.

There are not many great IT companies in BFLO that I would consider jumping too.

If I had to make a jump, I would go work for Equinix in DT BLO.

Other than that - Synacor, Inergex, banks, Synergy, national fuel, etc is all a NO but wouldn’t mind working for a large university, state, or government (court house) for a nice pay and pension with all holidays and time-off.

I am getting tired of IT lol

Personal Trainer…half of America is fat,now that is a market.