looking for new job

A counselor to deal with all the fat emotions…

IT sucks when you have to deal with end users.

However the ability to make 40-70k a year with no college degree makes it a lot more appealing.

Half of Buffalo looks at IT as very blue collar the other half realizes its Buffalo and sets the pay ceiling to match the Buffalo market.

If you want to stay in IT in Buffalo get hooked up with a national company that doesn’t look at location.

---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

Back on the original topic.

Geico, Ingram, etc will all you get you $10+ a hour.

You should probably figure out some direction to go instead of wasting time in a job that won’t move you along career wise.

Thanks for the link, this kind of thing has always seemed really interesting to me. Not even necessarily for retirement, just save up a few grand and go live in Thailand or Belize or Panama for a year or something. That would be incredible.

I’m going to jump on this thread.

I have been casually browsing for new work for about a year now, as I am not happy with my current career (if you could call it that). Ive been a Paramedic for 3+ years, the pay is absolutely embarrassing (<35k/yr), and my 4 on 4 off rotation makes life difficult to plan (I work Thanksgiving AND Christmas this year at only time and a half–yippee). I have an associates in criminal justice, but have a lot of random knowledge. I am good with computers for having no formal training (the basics like building them, troubleshooting them, home networking, etc), good with cars, and I am a very quick learner (i built a CNC mill in my basement). I am extremely responsible, have a clean MVR, no criminal history, no drug/alcohol use. I feel like I am a perfect candidate for a decent job, but I don’t know what field I want to get into-- I have been in EMS since I was 16, so I dont have any formal experience with anything else. I definitely want somewhere that I can grow and stay there for a while. “Revolving door” companies do not interest me.

LZ- What does a 60-70k/year IT job entail? “IT” is pretty vague.

^I’m in the same boat.

“Technically” I’m a student at UB for Spring 2013 and I’ve been tossing around the idea of going for IT.

If you’ve got a decent hammer, you could get in to the film business with me.

I would love to be an actor on The Walking Dead. I didn’t know it was filming around here. Whats the pay like?


he meant :skunk:

System Engineer/Network Engineer

Build stuff/fix stuff

I suspect this concept will begin to flounder once foreign countries become more concerned with the inflationary loss of spending power the US Dollar faced/faces.

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

Pretty much this.

And maybe this. :wink:

I dont know with how this economy is right now I cant justify going back to school and racking up loans. The only jobs that seem to be a sure bet is nurses, doctors and engineers. Neither of which i have the brain for.

Oh I know an associates doesnt really mean shit thats why i havent even finished it yet lol. I meant grow up as in leave the job ive had since highschool and pursue something full time, and a little more supporting while I figure out what career Im going to pursue. Put your self in my shoes would you rather work in a grocery store with no room to advance working 30 hours part time at 9.90 an hour working all sorts of random ass hours that differ every single week so you can never make plans? or at a dealer, or any other business starting at ten with some more freedom and dignity not having to deal with crazy ass customers non stop slaving away for pennies

Ive heard bad things about geico. Everyone i know thats worked there has quit after 6 months because they hated it.

pmed back!

That is true. hm I was thinking of applying there but i hate verizon after they tried fucking me over and hiding charges in my bills for verizon to verizon calls and texts lol.But hell if it pays the bills id consider it.

Im thinking about it as I work out 5 days a week and train all my friends lol but i cant see a decent living off it.

Yesss!! lmao

If you are looking to get into something different, I’m going to go in the opposite direction as everyone else and say get into a trade! The job market sucks partially because everyone was brainwashed into thinking “go to college and get a desk job”. If you don’t mind working a little and getting dirty you can make a good living getting into the trades. (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, steel, HVAC) This market is dying for some good people. My company, along with several others are always looking for someone young to hire and train, but there is hardly anyone good left. No more schooling and debt necessary, most good companies will pay for your school / training. If you are good at what you do, you will always be able to find a job no matter where you go.
Just my opinion

Perception is something we choose, often what we verbalize becomes our reality.
Honestly, we can’t control the weather and we have very little (if any) control over lifes external events. The one thing we CAN control is our perception and where we decide to apply our focus & energy.

“i cant see a decent living off it”
“heard bad things about geico”
“Neither of which i have the brain for”

Seriously man…just being honest with you here. Like others have said…go looking for a shitty $10 an hour job and that’s exactly what you’ll find. I’m not saying you don’t have to start somewhere but get your attitude & mind right bro. LZ gave some great input as did others in here…find a desirable NICHE skillset and develop the fuck out of it! NICHE often pays well because there is less competition. :slight_smile:


If I wasn’t in IT I would have gone HVAC.

Skilled trades can’t be outsourced for the most part. Great suggestion.
With all the college debt & graduates floating around it’s no longer a competitive edge in many cases. Most people went to school so they would be paid more, not so they could earn more. HUGE difference!

---------- Post added at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------

Electrical has always interested me. Let’s start a house flipping team. Bubble 2.0 coming to an economy near you. :wink:

Can’t you do concrete? It’s in your blood!

You are exactly right this is what im leaning towards.

I fully understand what your saying. I was just stating I dont have the type of mind and attention span to sit in a class room and study and memorize laws, medical terms etc, ive tried and failed numerous times. Ive always been a C student at best my whole life with tutoring and trying my best. Some people just arent cut out for that kind of life. Speak to me in person and throw me in a creative environment and you’d see im actually an intelligant competent human being. Im just wired a little bit different than your average joe if you get what im saying lol. that is why im leaning more towards a trade or starting my own business. But for me to get there i need to get something full time and a little more routine than what i have going on right now.

Im just not a fan of geico from what ive heard from some friends that are similar to me and actually have valid opinions to me.

---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

Oh I def can my father does paving/concrete in Local 210 laborers union. I was told i was a shoe in and a sure bet I was in and i went in and talked to the president and they basically told me it doesnt matter who you know anymore and I was SOL.

I could tell that about your attention span just by looking at the list of cars in your sig. :stuck_out_tongue:
I have had near 20 cars over my life so I can’t talk shit about that. LOL
I’m similar in many ways, I get bored easy and don’t care to regurgitate book knowledge. Building trades could be awesome for ya. I’d wish you luck but I don’t believe in luck…make it happen. :slight_smile:

How about a power bottom?

Consider a career in “Getting Money & Stacking Paper”? Jay-Z seems to enjoy it and does reasonably well I presume.