Official New Job Thread


im sick of my current job

doesnt pay enough, and cant stand the people i work for

im looking for something part time

pref 5-9 and weekends are fine to

and looking to get atlest 25+ hours and make over 7.50

Anyone got any ideas

Also if your looking for a job post in there instead of creating a new thread.

I am in the same boat except I am looking for more like $10/hr

i know all the collection agencies are always hiring

we all need jobs. damn wny.

I could use one too, but i am looking much higher than that and in the the aspect of general or marketing management.

sign me up for a new job too!

yea, me too. i just moved out to cheektowaga. so i grab a couple applications from some places around here, but i doubt i’ll get what i want

Try Fedex Monday-Friday Nights 5-10 or Mournings 3am-8am…Start off $8.25…50 cents raise after 4 weeks and another 50 cents after 3 months

get a job at UPS
M-F 5p-10p
starting 8.50 then .50 raise and the opportunity for another 1$ raise if u learn some zip codes, then yearly raise

FULL health benefits, job security, be in the teamsters y0!!11 set schedule, NO weekends, paid days off, paid holidays etc…

only bad thing about the job is the actual job, if you dont like physical labor you wouldnt like it there

People smart enough to figure out how to post on the internet work jobs that pay under 7.50/hr? WTF

i applied last friday to Fedex…i really hope they call me back

Home Depot. I think they pay well and you get to learn how to do home improvements and stuff.

I applied online like they said and still no call back.

i applied a few months ago, same with lowes…still no call back

Go in and ask to speak to someone. I acutally tried getting a job there in college too and I never heard from them. I was shocked since I worked at a hardware store for 3 years before that.


posting from work right now realizing how much i hate it here, and making 7 a hour sucks fucking balls

i need to get outta here

edit original post-

UPS- best fringe benefit of working there is once you are in teamsters you get free lawyers to represent you in traffic court :tup:

i need part time after 3 preferrably out by 11 though i need atleast 6 hours for the next day

ok sticky this lol

Anyone good at computer repair? My work is hiring:

The new boss in service (Bob) is a great guy and the guy under him is a car guy(Chris). Plus the other service techs are all cool, and UB students.

resumes blow