Official New Job Thread

i might start looking…i have this awkward feeling that my days at Stereo Advantage are numbered, and not by my choice.

some of you guys should just apply at circuit city. its not the greatest but they start at $9 an hour

i apply online…who should i ask to speak to for a job

Stereo Advantage sucks in that when they hire you, u basically give up your right to work in any other electronics store for a year after you quit/get fired. otherwise, they can go and sue your ass for everything u own and will own for the rest of your life. trus me, now that i kno what i kno, i would LOVE to go work at a car audio shop that deals with just car audio and the people that run it are cool.

id love to work at the same car audio shop where people arent assholes and people who care about there work and do high quality work…so who wants to opena shop.

they make you sign a non compete… omg… thats fucking redicious… its a fucking car audio installer :lol:

thats y u get fired, i dont think they can limit ur job choices. ur fired what r u going to do u got moulths to feed

if they fired you, the terminated the contract… you should be able to get out of the non compete…

we shoudl seriously open an nyspeed custom shop…so that way all the unemployeed can get a job doin stuff they love

id do it. i kno other people who would do it. unfortunately, we all have one minor problem…WE’RE ALL EITHER JOBLESS OR DAMN NEAR JOBLESS AND DONT HAVE ANY MONEY TO START A BUSSINESS WITH. but thats a sweet idea.

so in other words, what you sauing is if i want to go get a job at another shop, just start trying to get fired and then i’m home free? o yeah and i kno theres at least one member on here who works with me and i dunno how many more, but hopefully they can respect me saying this and keep their mouths shut, but heres my plan for the next year: ‘get fired’ around april or may, go to work for a landscaping company all summer, hopefully get enough of a reserve built up so i can afford not to wrok in winter, and if i do thne try to get in with another car audio shop

by NYSpeed Car Audio sounds like a sweet idea and i would really consider it if some people wanted to go for it.

im not an installer (even though i could do just about eveyrthing audio related that they do…car starters i dont wanna touch) but i kno the installers have to sing something that says they cant work on other cars outside of work. so lets say u r an installer at Stereo Advantage…you’re buddy wants u to put a radio in his car for him AS A FAVOR EVEN THOUGH U R NOT GETTING PAID. sorry! u cant do it! gotta go though the company. and i think perhaps i might be in deep shit with something like this now, because i kinda did that (evne though im not an installer) but they kno i have the knowledge to do it.

see thats gay. i think its a diff story when u have a friend and you tell him to stop by the shop and u pull it in and do stuff for free, but if its your own time then fuck the biz.

LOL, thats bullshit

Its like working at deltal and getting fired for washing a car in your driveway :lol: