need 2nd job

anybody know where i can get a 2nd job…or a better job than i have now :P…and no shitty ass jobs either…:slight_smile:

i just need something where i can make an extra $125-$150 a week… :violin:

anybody know of any place?

wow…It seems like everyone is looking for new, better paying jobs…
For $125-$150 a week shit i would go work at mcdonalds…part time…lol

have you tried

good luck!

valet ? bunch of people here do it

monster hasn’t done much for me…looked a few times, but that’s when i was looking for a new job…

thanks though :slight_smile:

go bus @ salvatores.

eh…i need to find something that will work around the 40 hours i have now…LOL

dude… you don’t start until late, and you’ll make 300 a week

^^…meh…not too big on doing the whole bus thing. I have something lined up making good money, but i have to work at least 4 days a week…but we shall see

you suck. you picky bastard.

you can work my shift at fedex, 3am-8am :lol:

hit me on aim, barronvonwortzen

^^^damnit carl…i can’t…i’m at work…i’ll pm you :slight_smile:

Anyone know of any valet openings?

Beggars can’t be choooosers

I ch-ch-chooose you!

^^^…i hate you…LOL

i think goldranger does security for that “securitas” or whatever, on sheridan maybe?? they are usually hiring…

yeah skunk you could be security… maybe they have a desk job available…

search by zip

seriously find a pizza del job, i make mad loot doing it, and u can work a few hr/week.

might not get the usual tips ina fucxking M tho hahaha
the civic did wonders

LOL…they will look at my car…and think “this asshat doesn’t need a tip”…if anything…they won’t give me enough money…HAHa