NYPD police breaking the law.

i never understood the smashing windows… b/c there is 3 places to hook up on the hydrant. am i right … or are they all dif sizes… or is it just the point to smash windows and run it threw the car ??

All of the cops in these videos are “traffic enforcment agents”. In NYC that means they are just meter maids. They are not first responders or even responders. I don’t believe they are even cops. They write parking tickets all day while blocking traffic with their cars. They make traffic worse.

I laughed the whole time.

The fat animal in the first part deserved a reaming since she didnt waddle her queen bee ass to the cruiser fast enough.

The rest of it is a bit off. That dude needs some meds. A real cop might have bounced his head off a cruiser.

haha he fucked with all female cops lets see him talk shit to some jacked guy cop and see what happens

A little advantage? Thats just dangerous and put lives at risk in case of a fire.Sneaking a french fry is different then putting peoples LIVES at risk.There was a fire that could have been serious and she didnt even know it was going on or cared(She probably knew because the window was right there). Then has the nerve to waddle her fat ass to the car and take her time.She didnt even stop at the scene of the fire.She should be fired

:world: I’ll like to see that, and was also wondering why he doesn’t target the male cops. This guy is a douchebag.

so they’d just break the window and run the hose through the car as jeg pointed out. I’m not defending her… she’s retarded for doing that, but I guess I just don’t see why this guy is going through this much trouble unless he’s got some kind of chip on his shoulder. he’s just as retarded as the cop. Besides, the law states that you cannot block a fire hydrant so in the event of a fire, an EMERGENCY vehicle can get to it… so is the law really being broken?

an off duty cop speeding at 90mph down the highway is more dangerous than a cop illegally parking, yet you know if he/she got pulled over they’d be let go with no problem.

I’m not saying that I agree with it, but like it or not it is a perk of the job.

and X3… I’d love to see him do that to a 6’3" 250lb male cop

+1. Who cares if they park their cars their. If they need the hydrant then bust out the windows like you are supposed to and let the officer get chewed out for parking their and causing the municipality $$$.

Watch the video and tell me where the fire is and see how many firemen are running around getting gear ready to put a fire out. Traffic is still flowing so it was serious enough to stop traffic even if their was a fire. I am not saying she was right, but I also don’t see any other emergency personnel in any excitement either.

Then I blame whatever fireman that looks and goes “oh, it’s a cop car so lets not follow procedure and save the burning building with people inside”

I’d say it is a little advantage. The key word you used was in case of a fire. Where was there a sense of an emergency in that video? Just because a truck pulls up with sirens automatically there is a massive fire?? Maybe it was a medical call or a small fire in a restaurant kitchen. And the fact that she took her time further shows that this wasn’t a serious incident. She had the time to sit and let this guy do his thing and not a single sign of a fire getting put out or any urgency.

I am not saying she is right, but you guys need a reality check lol. You can’t honestly be concerned with something as small as this.

The guy may be a douchebag but laws are there for a reason and just because they are an officer doesn’t mean they can break them regardless of how minor it is.

I saw that guy on the news once. What a fuck.

Posting video’s on the internet = attention whore != making a difference.

Everyone on this site breaks the law almost every single day. We speed, change lanes without signaling, turn without signaling, tailgate, cut people off, burnout, modify cars with illegal exhaust, ect.

Any person who sat here and bashed the officers a HUGE hypocrite. Police officers are just as human as everyone else, even though they are held to a higher standard in society. Look at you guys sit and bitch about a cop who illegally parked, something most people have repeatedly done. In a place like NYC you should be worried about the officers who are in deals with the drug pushers and who ignore certain things. That would be someone that would require concern not a stupid parking violation (most of you would probably post a retarded thread bitching about how you actually got a parking ticket).

End rant

Shut up.

Seriously, shut the fuck up. The point of the law is to be fair and impartial, it is meant to be applied to everyone equally regardless of situation or position. They are breaking the law with no threat of action being taken against them, and that is entirely wrong. I think this is a good thing, having someone kinda running around creating a check and balance for the PD.

You don’t signal when you turn or change lanes? You cut people off? You burn out and tailgate? You are a fucking hazard, get off my roads.

I am such a hazard to the road that I guess I should bike lol. Being a police officer is, A JOB, and who does the checks and balances in jobs, BOSSES. You don’t need some pissed off prick running around doing some ridiculous act like this.

Let me follow you around your work place and when you break company policy i’m going to send it to your boss. Then i’m going to proceed to bitch and rant that you should be fired and are a disgrace to society

You are so concerned about the petty and mundane that it’s sickening. The justice system isn’t perfect because you can’t take human nature out of people. Law enforcement is the profession with the highest suicide rate in the U.S. You probably sit behind a desk a type and your computer. Shut the fuck up, pass an exam, go through a academy, and work in a place like NYC. You would cry.

So its better to smash the windows on a car to run a water hose over cut glass than just go under the car or over it. Sounds like the FD’s are watching too many reruns of backdraft.

I eat police officers

Naw I think that is actually standard protocol. If for no other reason that firemen like to smash things. The saying goes that if you lock the average volunteer fireman in a completely empty room with 3 steel balls, he will:

Lose one.
Break one.
Eat one.

Don’t you know that police officers are above the law?

I am Army Infantry. I work as far from a desk as possible, 8000 miles from home. I CANT make mistakes or I literally will die. That job has nothing on mine. Nice try, now try and pull that foot out of your mouth and don’t make stupid assumptions like you just did.

Small details are as important as the big things, especially in a job that you just admitted was dangerous or stressful. If you do the right thing all the time, you don’t fuck up and you dont get hurt. They are obviously not paying attention to their jobs. They are wrong. They are public servants and as a result they are supposed to be check BY THE PUBLIC.

My foot is far from my mouth. As an member of the army, how would you feel if a standard civilian followed your division around and posted a video when one of your fellow soldiers fucked up? What would you do if I followed your platoon around with a camera and got in your face when you didn’t follow protocol?

Trying to compare the military to a simple parking division of the NYPD is a joke. There are some sectors that have no room for stupidity such as this, but this is not one of those. Policing is para-militaristic. It obviously does not compare to most military proceedings or operations.