Fucking Cops

So i hear my neighbor pulling his dump truck up outside in the back alley before he backs into his driveway and then i hear cop sirens…so I’m like wtf its 1am…i look out the back to see the cops have him pulled over and i walk outside into the dark and watch to see what happens. They DUI test him…he fails…gets cuffed all that bs. They allow his son to move the truck into the driveway instead of having it towed(I had called to let him know what was happening). What i don’t get though…is with the two cop cars the borough has left(they suck as drivers and wrecked i believe 5 cars and a truck), they can afford to sit and wait for people to bullshit the stop sign entering the borough…but when multiple people call the cops because of some stupid ghetto bitches outside fighting and damaging other peoples property(neighbors car got dented/scratched, another had a broken window)…the fuckers are nowhere to be found. Do your job all of the time or just quit and don’t do it at all! This fucking neighborhood used to be decent when i first moved here…then the niggas moved in and downhill it went. But the cops…have ALWAYS been dickheads.
End Rant

I think what you’re saying is that you’re mad because the cops need to do more, not that they shouldn’t have arrested this guy. If so, then I’m sure everyone would agree!

So 911 is a joke in your town? :smiley:

Get up… get get, get down…

good story

Well thats pigs for ya… they are sitting at that sign to write tickets, making everyone else pay for the other cruisers they damaged! In the end, we always pay.

These “cruisers” aren’t flower delivery vans, they are police vehicles in ghetto fucking neighborhoods, hence… they get fucking damaged. In my brief history as a police officer 1 neighborhood over from Xlogic, I had 4 cars go to the shop…and I’m sure I could out drive your ass ANY day of the week.

1.) Some piece of shit decided to run up over (on foot) my car denting the roof on 4th of July.
2.) Pepper Spray eats paint.
3.) Ran over a rear bumper off of a car I was chasing with a 14 year old driver.
4.) Some drunk rear ended me

So, a vehicle on the road 24/7 especially in extreme circumstances has an increased chance of damage.

I agree that there are communities where the police are lazy hogs. Xlogic, your community isn’t one of them. You have no idea what its like to be on the enemy side of the people around those towns.

i can say on behalf of having a family full of cops that “most” cops are on a power trip unless they have been on the force 7-10 years…2nd the cop cars in “SOME” boroughs and twnshps are abused but many many others like Etna , adams twnshp, cranberry (homos), northern regional (power trips), hampton (laid back)…they dont get abused or ruined …they barely do anything…but pull people over, etna and adams township really dont even pull people over…well the noobs in adams do…but once again …the power trip deal

:rofl: :rofl: You think since you slid a crown vic around like a maniac for a few months that you can out drive everyone… stupid little piggy

No crown vics

Didn’t learn to drive as a cop

Go sniff paint fumes grunt

Maybe at a track(because i wouldn’t waste my time going to such a place).

And i don’t want to hear that shit…explain to my why all of the vehicles were wrecked by officers, not by some fuck crashing into them, most of the crashes i was able to witness myself. The entire end of the other blue truck that they had was damn near pressed into the cabin…in the swissvale borough…explain to me what they are doing flying/chasing through this area with tight streets/traffic/and children instead of calling for backup from swissvale(which has a decent amount of cars)? And in the neighborhood that you think is oh so bad its only a few problematic neighbors…3 houses at the most.Fuck what you think you know from being a cop, you haven’t lived here to see anything first hand.

that really sucks dude. the trashy white or black people move in and just ruin anything good about a neighborhood. its been happening in my area too, from garden city, to monroeville, pitcairn, wilmerding, e.mckeesport, turtle creek etc.

I’m somewhat familiar with the turtle creek area from having went to east junior high(you may remember it when it was a hs, but i don’t know how old you are), its not nearly as ridiculous as it is over here, but all of this section 8/housing plan shit needs to stop. Slum lords allow this to happen in assuming that Section 8 means that they get their money. I honestly have only met 2 or 3 families on sec 8 that were decent people just struggling through hard times…the rest…bumbs

great thread.

I made 315 arrests in just over a year and a half in a neighborhood with a population of just over 2500 people. Get YOUR facts straight. There are departments 10x as large with 50x the population that don’t make that many arrests in a year. I wish I would have ran over a few little turds, probably would have saved some innocent persons life down the road.

Swissvale’s Chief doesn’t like backing up Braddock/North Braddock/Rankin due to liabilities. Otherwise your ingenious idea would be great. I love the fact that everyone in these neighborhoods take the view off themselves and cleaning up their own neighboorhoods and placing the blame on the cops.

These guys are starting off at $6.75/hour. I’m not saying they are doing it for the money, but what sort of officers do you think you are going to get for that kind of money. Tell your neighbors to stop selling drugs, get jobs that pay local taxes and perhaps you will get police officers that are paid well enough to do a substancial job “protecting & serving.” The only good cops that go through those departments are guys looking for experience out of the academy, but move on if they have any sense. The guys that are there for more than 2 years are rejects to larger departments - hence aren’t paid well - hence suck at their jobs. A lot of these same officers can make this job dangerous for rook’s straight out of the academy.

I wouldn’t tell a heart surgeon how to do his job, or even act like I know how it works. I would advise you to keep your yap shut b/c your non-sense talk is well…non-sense.

On another note: joke.

A mechanic was removing a cylinder-head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known cardiologist in his shop. The cardiologist was there waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike when the mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey Doc, want to take a look at this?”

The cardiologist, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take the valves out, repair any damage, and then put them back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I make $39,675 a year and you get the really big bucks ($1,695,759) when you and I are doing basically the same work?”

The cardiologist paused, smiled and leaned over, then whispered to the mechanic…''Try doing it with the engine running."


I don’t think comparing a cop that makes $6.75/hour to a heart surgeon, makes any sense either…

zex350z i dont know how long you have been a cop or how much money you make but like i said before my family is full of cops and federal agents and what not and a few constables, from my knowledge …its not how many people you arrest its if those people actually did the crime or not…(not meant to be ignorant) but it seems that you are also power hungry …my uncle was a state trooper (15 yrs) and police chief of 3 townships in his lifetime , him and any “older” officer would tell you that just because you made 315 arrests doesnt make you special or “cool” , you will always feel better about yourself when you arrest the people who actually did somthing wrong …now i dont know you or anything about yuo and your area ,im just stating what i know

and keep in mind that i have also been arrested and i have also did a few “bounty’s” with a friend & family and have seen both ends of the spectrum

Well I’m Dog the Bounty Hunter and I think you’re all wrong.

You forgot to mention your still an idiot :bigthumb:

Telling us how many arrest you made is even more stupid than someone trying to compare a mechanic to a heart surgeon. One is a grease monkey and the other saves lives. You were probably one of those prick cops running around on a power trip arresting juveniles and thinking you were bad ass…its cops in boroughs like that that fuck up the name for cops who actually remember they are a human just doing a job…not a prick hiding behind a badge. I don’t like cops…never have never will…and this is because of this shitty impression that has been bestowed upon me from a young age…granted i’ve met cool cops, but the 5 or 6 don’t make up for the entire sworn force of cops who are dick heads.
