Fucking Cops

Get off the Officer nuts, just doing his job. nothing personal

cops go out and try to make your life safer, and this is the type of thanks they get. No wonder some cops have an “attitude”.

xlogic, look at the neighborhood you grew up in, of course you think cops are assholes. I have nothing but respect for someone willing to risk their life to save my ass if something bad happens, but then again, I grew up in a different neighborhood than you. I had had cops drive me home because I was really fucked up instead of arresting me. Cops in the neighborhood were treated very nice and gave that back when something happened.

Maybe if your fellow neighborhood citizens were normal, the cops could be normal also. It’s a bad cycle, but it starts with the citizens, not the cops.

/old man rant :smiley:


fuck your smiley redneck. The truth x3
oh and LilGreenB18 still an idiot…

Can’t argue with that

NB was a total shithole back in the late 80’s when i lived there, and they have just multiplied like locusts by about 100,000 times since then. we didn’t walk off of our street back in 1989. i was down there last week for work and while it has gotten worse, it was never good or better to begin with. my grandmother who lived there most of her life, just passed away and now we are stuck with a beautiful house that if in any other township or municipality would be 125K or so. down there we’ll be lucky to see 40k and will probably have to give it away, and more than likely scumbags will be the ones who will buy it.

i can remember being a kid in the late 70’s and it wasn’t nice there either.

i give those officers a lot of respect for working there. with such a low tax base because no one pays taxes, thats why they are paid what they are paid.
i am sure if the dui neighbor hit and killed a loved one while driving in the boro, you’d be bitching on here how the cops are lazy and should have pulled the guy over for dui etc.

Why would i be bitching when they DID pull him over? Like i said before i’ve met cops that are cool, cops that actually make money and could care less to give me a ticket for 90 in a 40, for blowing a red light and having a suspended license, for running(not knowing it was them) blowing 3 traffic signals and then pulling over when i saw lights on the unmarked. You didn’t walk off your street? why? its safe to do so now even with all of this going on, sounds like a sheltered little girly man to me. Granted i grew up in this shit, not participating in it, and want out…i will be soon enough, but that won’t change the fact that the cops over here are dickheads, for taking the low pay to try and “help” people who obviously don’t want helped.

And 77 define normal, i never knew that you could even get a group of “normal” people out of a species of over 5billion

Spoken like a true cop.

Yeah, i wish all cops were cool like that. :ugh:

… because 90 in a 40, blowing a red-light on a suspended license, and running from the cops disobeying all sorts of traffic laws aren’t anything serious and you should only be slapped on the wrist. Man if all cops were cool like that, I bet we’d life in a great place. I mean, they’re just laws right? Meant to be broken, not taken seriously, right?

This thread sucks

Edit: Any thread that Xlogic starts sucks

I hope a prick such as yourself doesn’t bring the misfortune upon the world to reproduce.

Simply stating, Not all cops are out to get you. Granted city cops are a bit more lax than most places…but the 90 in a 40 wouldn’t have mattered…your first speeding ticket on your driving record doesn’t carry points!

You weren’t even a member of pittspeed when i posted that thread. I was in homewood with red neons on my old neon, homewood = crips(wannabes anyway) the neons came on until i turned my headlights on…what i thought was a bunch of hoodlums chasing me(and getting left by a neon) was an undercover narcotics car…living in good old northbraddock(yea right) i am not used to seeing such things and paniced…they threw there lights on oh so late that i had went from 1 block leading distance to 3…http://pittspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32367

On a side note, all the old heads…i don’t want to hear shit because i’m sure 75% of the people on here have a much worse driving history(whether its on your record or not), and all the dumb shit that happened to me happened over a year ago…when i still had less than a year behind a wheel(legally anyway).
Don’t come trying to tell me about myself when you know damn well you have problems that have been/still are much worse.

your still an idiot…

LOL except for Monroeville, all of those towns listed are steel towns and have been on the decline since steel left the area. Xlogic is only 20 years old and I can tell you they have been shitty for a while now including his neighborhood. It’s not like this happend in the past 2 years… :rofl:

I used to work EMS in that area back in 2000/2001. It was way on the decline then and has never stopped.

I don’t know Zex from a hole in the wall but boy is this the truth especially in those areas.


Stupid vid


KRS/ONE is one of the best.
