crooked cops. we give these people "authority"

and thats all i have tim to post but theres alot more. i have to bring a camera in my car at all times so it isnt cops word against mine…i like civilian sheep dogs. people who save lives not crooked cops

lmk whats on your mind after watching this and remember we pay for this abuse? what about people who get treated bad…o ya they pay to get beat up. and if we use our second admenent its resisting arrest. wtf

and nothing against good cops they are out there. this goes to crooked cops and they know who they are, and i bet you know a couple

in before OP posts a thread about a ticket he got that he “didn’t deserve”

They all deserved it.

OP needs to get off of youtube.

I haz tints and loud muff, Y I NO GET TICKET

Dude this is such a pointless thread. Yea some cops “abuse their power” but i can tell you that for every 1 asshole cop you find theres 20 that are decent guys and do their job. I hate when people rag on cops because of a few bad eggs in the bunch…Cops are needed everywhere everyday.

if you were a cop, with the amount of shit they deal with on a day-to-day basis (no matter what department they work in) you’d find yourself having a different outlook as well.

what do you do? im sure there is plenty of people that occupy the same job as you that are terrible at it. Welcome to the world…now stfu and live in it.


  • rep

Couldn’t have said it better myself…all people want to do is bitch about cops, try doing what they do and see if you still feel the same way.

glad someone agrees!

LOL @ hypocrites/pansies on this forum



whats wrong with these videos??? I do this stuff everyday!!!

that’s what they deserve for getting arrested!!

Yeah but you’re in Watervliet, 75% of the population deserves to be arrested and treated like crap LOL.


If it wasn’t for the animals moving in from Albany and troy we would be ok…its not that bad yet.

Man I grew up in vliet and it’s a far cry from where it used to be. Sad.

Yo, tell vliet to get on it and get some of those potholes fixed. holy shit

^ what he said.

Theres priests that touch boys, politicians that fuck prostitutes, athletes who do blow, teachers who fuck students, lawyers accepting bribes and on and on and on. Doesn’t make them all bad dudes. Negativity spreads faster then positivity. You Tube videos of cops doing their job are not entertain. TMZ would be out of business if celebs didnt fuck up all the time. You Tube thrives on drama.

you must be drunk… I drive circles all day around here…there may be a couple nothing crazy though.

Wow. 11 videos… How many cops are there in the country? :facepalm