crooked cops. we give these people "authority"

If theyre black, a woman or anything but sober and white. They most likely deserved to be tazed/pepersprayed/beaten and arrested. Thats just how it goes. Deal with it.

So true. Dont do anything to get pulled over and you wont catch an asswhoooping from a cop. End of story.

i have had bad experience with cops i guess. i know cops can be great but they can be bad to. and i obey the law i just hate when a cop takes his power to next level. but i love when a cop takes out a bad person. justice is bliss but things happen and some cops arnt mentaly able to act their role. im not saying all cops. most i meet are great people but at the same time they are human. and humans make mistakes so why give some special privaliges over others? and i respect good cops


You know, as much as it is considered immature and thuggish to rag the police, I’m not embarrassed to say that every interaction I’ve ever had with a cop has been shitty. And yes, they’ve all been fucking dickheads. Especially the 5’5" Troy officer with short-cop-syndrome that tried to give me a ticket for “following too closely” after I was rearended while stopped dead at a redlight by a distracted driver doing 30 mph, launching my car into the Civic stopped ahead. That idiot can go get blasted by a fucking semi next time he’s handing out a ticket on the side of the Northway for all I care.

We need cops. I respect cops. Don’t like cops.

we def need cops but they always come at the wrong times, like when my tailight is out… but they arent around when some real shit goes down

but it is what it is, cool cops

some cops are very cautious…because all it takes is one incident like this…

some of you might remember this

Colonie was real cautious when they stole $2,000 out of my work bag 7 minutes after I cashed a $9,000 check that was verified by TD bank… I was threatended NOT to do anything about it or “my life would be hell”

They were also very cautious when they beat me unarmed and pointed guns at me in wendys by hoffmans on central when they didnt even instruct me to do anything or that I was under arrest.

Oh yeah, threatening to arrest me for inpersonating a police officer in a 2006 bmw with red angel eyes, that was pretty funny.

NOT all cops are douches I wont say, but FUUUUCCCCCKKKK Colonie police deparment. Fuck them into the motherfucking ground, fucking faggots. They cant even solve cases, they need the public rats to give up information on whats going on like the recent meth lab bust in latham… If it wasnt for informants all Colonie would be good for is writing tint/un-authorized head light tickets

yeah cause cops just pulled ya over for no reason ??? klololol noone is inocent

They pulled me over becuase I was pulling IN to my friends pawnshop who was under investigation, I did absolutely nothing. I could give a fuck what you think, im just sharing my personal experience, they are fucking scumbags.

colonie is alot like bethlehem they just try to keep it as clean as possible…

did i say u ? no i didnt i was satyin to all that cry when a cop gives em a hard time . there doin there job , sit back and give em respect they deserve . they dont know everyone so they need to be hard .

It’s funny becuase they say Colonie is one of the safest places in the USA to live… I think this is becuase Colonie is so fucking retarded and un-informed that all of the crime that IS going on, they have absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE ABOUT lol… Seriously. I’ve heard about arson, pot growing, obv the meth lab in latham and tons of other shit that has went down and probably IS going down in Colonie that they have no idea of. They caught one kid a few months ago that was making fake id’s, getting the inks and shit sent from another state and made it sound like the twin towers were rebuilt and destroyed again… Back when I had my pawn shop, some fagget tried to buy some shit with fake money he made… Looked legit as fuck but felt fake as shit… After I told him to get the fuck out of here,he laughed and told me hes got a bunch of printers, ink and other shit… Guess what? Kid lived in Colonie… COLONIE SUCKS

I have, theres a cop around here that just has it out to make my life hell. Sucks, but its kinda fun actually :lol

if you really think that the cop is really unfair you can file a complaint on him and the internal affairs and if he is unreasonable they will take care of him

i’d hate to break it to ya man… 95% of any good bust is because of a rat!!

thats why thy have a p/c section in jail

If you hate Colonie so much, gtfo!

Lol, CI’s are good police work.

Excuse me sir, but, id like to see some proof on how you may of obtained that classified information.

here is another reason most cops are very cautious…