CopWatch Toronto is watching you!

hey guys i just heard about cop watch …i actually saw the movie as-well


Report Police Harassment
Toronto Copwatch Targetline at 416 531-2411, extension 248

Check it out i think copwatch needs more members it would be good for all of you guys to start carrying cameras and mounting them inside the cockpit of your cars unseen to the naked eye and have it recording when your pulled over.

There are cops that watch forums, so i hope you guys see that the streets are watching you!

guys spread the word on All and any other forums after watching this

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i hope that code is right

I didn’t watch the whole video, probably should have but i turned it off. There making police officers look bad.

Maybe its cause both my parents are on the force that I’m saying this, maybe its an immature response and i really don’t know whats going on.

There is so much crap i here from my parents that they have to deal with, like really stupid shit and its only getting worse, they get frustrated like anyone else.

Yeah I’m sure some of them are taking things to the extreme and i guess this is what this forum is for?, but your going to get a lot of people shitting on it, because they did something wrong and got caught and say its all the police officers fault blah blah blah.

There doing there job, God i cant imagine doing there job I’d shoot anyone that pissed me off.

What ever that saying is…Cops are all assholes until you need them, or how ever it goes.


doing their job? im stuck with a careless driving ticket for someone almost hitting me. why? because i had my exhaust at the time.

MOST (99% of them) cops are good and only get you for doing something wrong, but this is the perfect program for the dick cop that was bitching at me for nothing.

Cops are so hit or miss it pisses me off.

Its so bull shit that the outcome will change of a situation because of what mood there in.

I ve had some good, some bad

you say there doing there jobs wait till they take your car derek for not ahving bumper rebar

ive never had a cop harrass me for no reason whatsoever. never!
if i deserve it yes! i get pulled over…
i got ticketed… key word ‘ticketed’ for doing 200km/h on the 407… cop told me he SHOULD be taking my car away but hes not going to… why cause hes a nice guy.
another time a cop followed me into a parking lot one night i got out and asked if anything is the matter… he said no just mistaken identity as he checked my plates… and i was one my way…
if youve got nothing to hide and not doing anything illegal than they are not going to bother you. period!!
stop blaming them for you stupidity!

^^ my personal experience has been similar

i’ve gotten 2 tickets in my driving career (one this weekend) both times i was speeding and both times they were reduced to 15 over…

the only time i can think of ever dealing with a cop when i wasnt doing anything was one followed me and 5 or 6 other 240’s in to a parking lot to ask us wtf we were doing… he didnt give us a hard time…

it was actually the day of my birthday and he told me he could give me a ticket for my expired plate sticker but he didnt.

You have good cops and bad cops!!! Copwatch is a good thing to have, trust me!!!



my 73 year old grandmother got a ticket for 10 over, shes been driving for 40 years with not a single TICKET nevermind conviction. no accidents, nothing.

he looked at her and said, “you should learn how to drive” and gave her the ticket.

she went to court for it, the prosecutor (or whoever screens the cases before going into court) lol’ed and threw it out.

congratulations dude, you’ve have nothing but good experiences, you’ll get a dick one day, took my grandmother 40 years.

we aren’t blaming them for our stupidity. some guy starts lane changing INTO me on the 410 while im doing the speed limit and i get the careless driving ticket.

lets not do 200 km/h on the 407 before we call people stupid.

i got 92 in a 80 zone day after i got my g2 i stoped in between the 50km/h begins and 50 starts shortly cop told me i couldnt fight it gave me a 472$$$$$$$$ ticket and 3 points another time i only had a ten day on the 240 with loud exhuast cops said i just need to check to make sure everything is ok and not expired and at last years wasaga meet i got pulled over same thing cop didnt see the ten day i saw him hit the brakes then go over a hill i pulled over and waited for him to catch up nice guy real quick and simple

dereks mom (weaves92240) made sure we didn`t kill ourselfs when we let roman candles off in our hands (no ticket)lol

You just have to remember that if you record them without informing them it’s inadmissable in court. You can ewven just pull out your cell phone and tell him you’re recording everything for your your own accounts, in case it goes to court. Even if you’re not really recording you’d be surprised at how differently you can be treated when he thinks you’re recording everything he says.

On another note, there are good and bad cops and it really sucks to get a cop on a bad day. This could be a good program, but will probably end up being screwed up by the 1% rule of retards trying to abuse it.

ive never had one good experience with a cop ever. there ALL rude but Literally 1 or 2 of them that i can’t remember not being rude.

i was walking around like 2 years ago when i was in high school and they illegally searched me. then when i get pulled over they lie and say your buddy’s seatbelt wasn’t on funny enough when they leave they don’t ticket us.

one older guy was doing a Speed trap on Finch and Islington and i was doing 5 over he looked at me and waved his finger (not the middle one) and laughed. thats the only nice thing an officer has done for me.

someone tried to break into my house and i called the cops a while after they kinda did their job, but he threatened to shoot my dog if it got loose…
which i found kinda rude.

The police are human beings just like everyone else.

in my time driving i have had good cops for the most part, and thos not so nice cops really can mess up your day!! i got a cop that tried to give me a inspection ticket for no reason and he was being an asshole!! he yelled, and i yelled back… after 10 mins we both relaxed and both said sorry about the rudeness and he let me go!! to this day when he sees me we talk and we go on our ways!! sometimes you dont know if something serious is happening to a cop in there life… like divorce and/or deaths!!

it doesnt matter wtf is happening in their life… well it does but not on a professional standpoint. what if the ceo of rogers decided to put a 400$ charge on your bill because he was going through a divorce?

isnt fair. they should be professional 24/7 while on duty. theres no excuse.

Its the officers you run into,

Some will treat you with respect, some will treat you like trash, swear at you, look down on you, jump to conclusions without letting you say a word. Theres good cops, that will do their job and just give you an according ticket, and theres other cops that will screw you in every possible way even though they do not have to or should not according to the situation.

Its life, get used to it, it might get better but never gonna go away.

I love to say I have never received a complete dick of a cop, I had one who I believe gave me a ticket for no reason. I bet it was true because I went to court he was nowhere to be seen.

You never know when you need a camera though so I plan on carrying one around to prevent any horror stories.

Ive had some extremly nice officers, and some extremly horrible officers who should of considerd a different career path.

I got a real dick of an officer today that pulled me over for nothing…completely profiling me because of my car…here’s the orignal thread:

anyway, if I want to file a civilian complaint against that officer, do I have to go to his division specifically? or can I go to my local PD?