CopWatch Toronto is watching you!

My buddy got a $110 ticket the other day for having a plush yoshi stuck in his tow loop on the back of his s13.

Cop said it’s a distraction to people and could cause a possible rear end. he yanked the yoshi and threw him into a ditch on the free way and swore at the both of us. He then yelled at my buddy cause he had two 12" kicker subs in his truck in a ported box. The cop then said you faggots better not be playing that out loud when people are sleeping, if i saw you guys i’d give you guys a ticket for noise pollution. Last but not least, the cop got mad for my buddy mike for having a cscs sticker as well as a “take it to the track” sticker on his hatch. he called us street racers and said he felt bad for our parents.

It was just incredible of how much advantage he took of us. I wish i had it on video…

I’ve always had bad experiences with cops and I’ve always hated them and always will.

Make use of your video cellphones, kids - it really does wonders.

you know what what i seem to notice is if your brown you get harassed even more, my friends whos black but hes buff gets pulled over alot but the cops don’t try and mouth him as much. as for most white guys that don’t get hassled unless they dress in urban clothes . fuck i should dress more like a gino, but not a hardcore one.

police the cops. get that shit on tape. any time a cop pulls you over record that shit. cell phone, hidden camera or mic. if you are done wrong then fight back.


cops are homos


19yr old tried to shoot a O.P.P officer last night …

i wonder why?

still his poor ass must be gettin beat in jail.

The problem is cops take a 2 year course, run a few laps, get handed a badge and a gun and they think they own the streets. They seem to often forget that they are civil servents who are payed by OUR tax money and there job is to serve and protect. Any city in the GTA has a lot more important issues then loud mufflers and drivin 10 over the limit. These fukn pigs are cowards and afraid to go after real criminals because they might actually have to work for there money and risk there lives, so instead they drive around aimlessly drinkn coffee and eatn donoughts lookin for car enthusiasts to ticket because if they go back to hq with 1000 dollars worth of tickets, the chief don’t care what else they did that day. Go take down some rapists, murderers, thiefs, respond to ppl calling in being attacked and robbed, dnt fukn wory about the 20 year olds chrome muffler that’ll add to ur monthly quota. Cops hate me and with good reason, I have no fukn respect for them. And everytime they pull me over I let them know how I feel, cops don’t yell at me cuz I dnt give them a chance they allways cowar away and say there sorry. Just don’t be afraid of them. Ther little pansies that are trained to talk firm and aggressive but if ur louder and more aggressive they will look at there shoes and quiet right down. Throw the law in there face…my mufflers too loud? Do u have a decible reader? No? Ok so its too loud in ur OPINION? Laugh out loud at him, remind him about reasonable doubt and the fact HE has to PROVE it, tell him to go back to school grab the ticket out of his hand and say see u in court bud. I have the upmost respect for the real cops kickin in drug dealers doors, solving murders, and doing there jobs, these fukn pigs that drive around and think there tough cuz they got a gun can rot in hell

some good points but so many unnecessary stereotypes… lol

getting beat by who?
the guys a god in the slammer, he’ll be getting mad protection.

he’s getting beatin by other cops

So if they are having a bad day they get to take it out on the people they stop. WOOP Fuck cops …WORLDS LARGEST ARMED GANG!

I think having a sticker on the back window with a big “copwatch” logo/sign of some kind would be a good way to ensure they at least mind their manners…

you can always ask for their badge and tell them you are going to record everything (written is fine too) as it happens just for your own records…

the key is to be respectful but let them know you have a powerful weapon against them if they step out of line

true story i think im gunna get me some bumper stickers group buy anyone? i wouldn’t put one on my car because then ppl would expect me to be places and protecting them …but i really can’t right now.

still its a good idea, i’m getting a sticker made its gunna say “I (heart) Ossifers”

So what im wondering is now when a cop pulls u over for an unnecessary reason due to a modified vehicle and hassels us. Does that count for cop watch? When making complaints?

Yea bringing a camera is good but like what will the officer say when u bust out a camera? He might get even more abusive. But u could always mention copwatch at that point.

Unlikely if he’s smart, as long as you let them know that they are being recorded, you can use it in court. If you have a camera and you don’t tell them, it’s inadmissable. Same idea as when they read you your rights.

ah i see well thats good then. Thats really good since cops like to pull modded vehicles over. This way if there being recorded then they cant lose there composure.

yea thats a good idea, putting cop watch and i love teh police on your car…
when u roll up to jane and finch’s mac store be sure to point it out to all the nice people

what who said anything about that? lol