Received these via PM from 1FSTGTR

Your not very bright threatning a cop in a family of cops…:cool:…now you and everyone you know( all your SO CALLED connections and hook ups and people you know) are under the radar…and you can bet on things happening from now on that you wont understand or like, you can count on me making your life very stressfull,and full of bullshit,and all because you had to PRETEND that you are tough and have connections…a real big man right “PLAYA”. from brampton,OH yea by the way NICE RIMS! If you need my REAL name,my badge number, my Division number, my supervison number etc. to make a complaint just ask ok pumkin.

I also forgot to remind you to be a good mature driver on our streets “CHRIS” tisk tisk tisk not a good driving record for someone so young…and dont be alarmed when you see a police unit drive by your house on rosedale often or sitting across the street …:cool:

Now, I am sure this is bullshit. Either way. Is this not some type of harassment? All the information he gathered is easily found on SON. Like I give a shit if a cop sits outside my house?!? If anything, I will sleep BETTER at night.

Any insight. Should I just leave this be? Or talk to an actual officer. I know that they started taking internet shit very seriously lately.

Wow! Any reason of you receiving these?

I would leave it be, but if he keeps coming at you like that talk to the POPO

That is all. ^^^

Leave it be, Sounds like dude is taking that thread a little to personal, no need to justify that with a response.

let me be the first to say.

You just justified my reasoning. lol

I call bullshit…

Pretty lame cop if they waste their time driving by your place while they’re on duty because of an internet pow wow.

I say wait to see if he follows up on any of this… but i doubt he will.

lmao holy shit what a spaz. That thread was crazy. Is this who police departments are hiring now?

seems like it eh. all morons.

Extremely unbelievable. Like seriously. Come on now. Your a cop? On a forum? Harassing someone? Puhleaaase. Just wanted to know some input on the situation. Like, as if I should take it to the police. Just to show him “I’m the boss”

damn beat me to it…

anyone can say anything over the net.

he is probably play WOW right now and beatting off to boxxy

i would say with threats like that he isn’t a cop

See, but you guys are doing the same shit he is right now. This is the thing that pisses me off the most about the internet. Every time I’m owning someone in an online game, they’re like “Congrats, this is the least you should be able to do, considering that you have no life and will never even see a woman’s vagina in person.”

It’s so fucking pathetic. Just because you’re getting your ass horribly shut down in a game by someone, doesn’t mean that the person spends his whole life playing it.
People always have to make themselves feel better when they lose by putting the other person down. Honestly, I never even bother arguing back with these people, because it’s pointless. If I tell them about my life, they’ll think I’m lying anyway, and I’m no better than them by taking part in the argument. Every time someone pulls that shit on me, I just block them. I go on the net for fun, and I don’t want some ass-clown spoiling that. If I want to be pissed off, I’ll go to work :smiley:

bet you he’s a security guard or something and just calls himself a cop

In all honesty. And I am not saying this so I seem like “more of a tough guy” but, I posted this so people are aware of this moron. For some humour. Of course, a straight up answer on what I should do.

I did message him back in a spur of the moment angry rage. But hey. We will see what happens huh…

Lol stupid PIG …I hope he threatens me too…
Private Message: Re: … Today, 06:10 PM 1FSTGTR
Registered User

			Join Date: Apr 2009
			 				 				 					Posts: 6 				
 	 	 	 		 		 			 			 				 				<b>Re: ..........</b> 			
 	 		 			 				 					Originally Posted by <b>87s15lt1</b> 					 				
			<i>If your going to talk shit. Do something. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. That will get you into BIG trouble.

Wow, big man got my street name and my real name. Oh you seen my rims?!?! WOW. I am SOOOO impressed. You fucking idiot. Your an officer. Fucking do something. I am pretty sure I can have you charged with harassment. Probably many other things as well. Steal my rims, sit outside my house. Follow me. I don’t care.

You speak of me threatening you? Listen to your self you simpleton. It is people like you that make this world a fucking shitty place to live. Cop or not. FUCK YOU. You are a piece of shit. You need to grow the fuck up and learn when to drop pointless shit.

Fucking idiot.

 	 		 			 				 					Originally Posted by <b>1FSTGTR</b> 					 				
			[I]I also forgot to remind you to be a good mature driver on our streets "CHRIS" tisk tisk tisk not a good driving record for someone so young..and dont be alarmed when you see a police unit drive by your house on rosedale often or sitting across the street .....:cool:</i>


LOL you are a funny little man you know that, and STEAL??? i was making fun of you dipshit,whos the real simpleton,you really picked the wrong man to talk shit to behind a comp screen anyways see you around chump :cool:

That’s just really fucking low and lame. I’m pretty sure he isn’t a cop. And if he actually is, then that’s pretty sad itself.

Anyways, follow up and just ask for his badge number, etc.

And go to the police station to make a complaint, guarantee you it will be fake. He will get into a lot of shit if you show what he’s been doing to you.

Just asked…awaiting his next embarrassing reply.

lol probably a peel cop, oh wait…i take that back LOL!!!

:slight_smile: GLWS!!!

As fun as this is. This is getting exhausting. Bing, Gonad or Roast; Have a word :slight_smile:

LOL. Impersonating a cop, im pretty sure people do time for that?