Official: "Anyone else sick?" thread.

i never get sick, but i’ve been sick since the new year.

Had the superflu for the past few days, now I have the supercold…

eat right

take vitamins

sleep enough

and take daily garlic supps :tup:


You all need to tell your immune systems to stop being such fucking pussies.


Little bit congested.

Mucinex in the red box,expectorant with nasal decongestant.FTW

Flu shots are totally worth it. I haven’t been sick since I had a little summer cold in August and everyone else I know has been, some of them multiple times. (knocks on wood)

There is a nasty ass virus going around. My mom caught it, then my dad and sis now I have it. My tonsils are swollen, look like raw steak with varicose veins, and have white blotches all over, the lymph nodes on the left side of my neck are so swollen they feel like they’re gonna burst, I have a fever of 102, my whole body hurts like I’ve been hit by a car, and a wicked ass headache. My mom went to the Dr when she had it and they said its just a nasty virus that’s been going around. It sucks hella balls though. Any body else have this?

man… i hope i dont get a “nasty ASS” virus…

i have been sick for 2 weeks now… everything i take does nothing i have lost 2 days of work from it now … over the weekend i could not talk :gotme: both my kids are sick also for about a week now

i should just end it

6 years without even a blip for me :slight_smile:

I love having an amazing immune system

:gotme: healthy as a horse. I just feel like ass from staying up till 2-3am playing call of duty4 on live and having to wake up at 530am for work lol other than that i’m good :tup: UGH cant wait to go home and fire up the xbox again!


my thyroid gland is swelling really good and im starting to feel worn out. i really hope im not getting what you have. i just worked all weekend to get caught up. i cant afford to miss work right now.

pisses me off, i havnt been sick in almost a decade

yeah apparently this virus lasts a few weeks from what ive heard about it.

ya virus’s suck, i had one a couple years ago that lasted like 2 weeks, went to the doc thinking i had mono, had a blood test and it was just a bad virus, just gotta tough it out. take your vitamins and drink you OJ!!

its going around my shop right now… EVERYONE has something but me… so its only a matter of time… which sucks cause i just got over something

God you sound like you’re my twin lmao.

I just got over having food poisoning, that shit suuuuuuuucked.

My mom has had this for a few weeks now and even went to the doctor for some meds. Didn’t really work for her and now the gf has it also. So it shouldnt be long until I get it…

yeah it pretty much sucks balls. My left tonsil is driving me insane…omfg talk about sore. Everytime I swallow it feels like someone is using a super corse sand paper on my throat. Oh well…when my gf gets out of class shes gonna come over and pamper me :).

i have been sick for a week it sucks!!!
