~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

i wouldnt say umberger deserved to get hit, whoever passed it to him deserved it cuz he set up umberger to get DESTROYED. horrible choice on the pass, amazing hit because of it. when umberger regains consciousness, he should kick that guy in the balls. then again he probably doesnt remember it even happened.

great game to watch. cant wait for monday night

I watched the hit in slow mo on the DVR about twenty times. At one point Umberger’s whole body is parallel to the ice!! Amazing hit!

Fuck all Philly fans!! They have nothing to bitch about. Their GM was the league’s biggest cheap shot artist of his time. Campbell’s hit was 100% clean!!

All I have to say was, “he put him in queersville!!!” - Mike Robitaille

i was wishing it was tucker that got hit

Umberger didnt put his head up for even a second to see what was coming ahead of him. Rule #1 in hockey. KEEP YOUR FUCKING HEAD UP!!, guy head-manned the puck as he should have, in hockey, you should be able to take a pass and start skating with it without ever looking at the ice in front of you. You could see in the replays that his head never even came up. He deserved it, end of story. you break a cardinal rule like that and you will pay for it.

Yea, but we “cheered” when it happened. Buffalo is soooooo classless. Stupid retarded Flyer fans.:rant:

^^ I find it funny this coming from a team known as the broad street bullies. They should be used to it, i recall another player that had a hard time looking up:



he also saved a goal in OT. :hay:

um, we shouldnt have even BEEN in overtime…big thanks to lydman on that one :ham:

ive been saying for a while now how much I hate lydman. he made 3 big mistakes on pretty much the first 3 times he touched the puck.

another player who has been pissing me off is vanek. I dont give a shit if he scored 25 goals this season, HE IS SO FUCKING LAZY. instead of using his speed to chase down a player on the opposing team, he will just start hooking. he really needs to step it up during the playoffs.

ughh i cant wait till tommaro

can anyone find rick jenerrete’s commentary to this monsterous hit

I’ve been looking for that too.



Vanek doesn’t have speed. never did, never will




the fuck he doesnt. compared to maxim…no, but vanek is NOT slow.

So are you happy with his shitty playing as of late then? just wondering.

vanek is prolly one of the slowest on the team, if not the slowest

vanek has a very slow style of game. kinda like Jagr or lemeiux. It is agrivating to watch, but hes been doing that all season.

:lol: Like they wouldn’t have done the same thing. It’s hockey… there are hits. Any big hit WILL get alot of cheers. I love how they fail to mention the applause he got when he was up and getting off the ice without having to be on a stretcher.

Silly Philly fans… they think they are sooo cool 'cause they live in Pennsylvania. Well our state is on top of yours bitches! That makes you the woman! MUAHAHAHA! :biglol: :biglol:

sorry… i dunno what happened there… damn I’m tired… my bed is calling for me

Selective reading is owning both you and poose. I never said vanek is lazy with the puck. Ive noticed that as the seen went on, Vanek skated less and less hard. There is a difference between not skating fast and just NOT SKATING, and he is doing the latter.

Yeah, I know jagr and lemeiux dont dance around with the puck as quickly as someone like ovechkin or maxim does, but they skate super hard when they need to. Vanek doesnt. Please never compare him to jagr or lemeiux :stuck_out_tongue: