*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

lol definitely not! :gtfo:

damn, i must be a lucky guy then :wink:

but i thought you were gayyyyy :slight_smile:

ooo so thats why you showed me the blood spot the other night…you were hoping id get you a cookie…jeez all you had to do was ask

changed my mind…weather calls for showers through tonight and into the morning…

my tires sucked in the rain new…and now that they’re bald, death will come on swift wings to those that attempt driving in the rain in my car…

might be out stalkin the streets in the snky snky snatch though

False, No rain tonight.


Scattered T-Storms / Wind Overnight Low


Im gonna chance it…I’ll be in the GP maybe I’ll see people I know out tonight.

is anyone still goin up if it stops rainin?

Walked out of Lexus on Sheridan @ 8:55pm. Raining.

that sux looks like game off tonight.

always another day :slight_smile:

i got caught in the rain on the way home…

feeling the back end go out in 3rd gear made me wish my car was fast enough to do that when it’s dry out, lol…

^^^^I feel your pain. I was stuck at Montana’s on the bullyvard when I had to trek home with people going around me like, “WTF is wrong with you?!” FWD+bald DR’s+rain+crappy headlights+dark wet roads= sloooow drive home, and considering getting regular front tires.

should be in kens car when his car gets loose @ 100+… scary as fuck

it was beeauuutiful for a while there. i sat around for a few minutes to see if anyone would show. way to let me down guys.

I guess I suck then.

thats how it is for me in the rain unless i decide to leave my traction control on then its not so bad. also my CAI hangs pretty low n its now hidden very well so i try not to drive wen its rainin. Thank God For Beaters lol.

I was driving by around 12 last nite heading home, and there were about 2 cop cars in front of the mighty doors…

Anyone know what went on last nite?? Was it another fight night lol

I was there for a few min. I saw a silver sunfire, I think, and a silver minivan. Jen I didn’t see you there, I was lookin’ for your car.