***Official: My Bubble Tea Sunday Meets***

Did I really get called poor via karma cause I can’t access cash until monday? wow.

should be good good for later

if it clears in hamburg i will come up later, i dont have class til 5pm tomarrow :slight_smile:

what time you thinking about heading out…

i usually head up 930 ish

ill get there around 9ish

I might actually drink a bubble tea. 86 bubbles.

I might stop up…

whats the point of bubble tea without the bubbles?

looks like flem in a cup

ill be up

anyone have the address?

sheridan and bailey i believe

we pass it on the way to mighty

is anyone there yet i will come up at 930

im comin be there around 10! <3

Ill be up there around 11ish

waiting for jen to get ready to go, god shes slow

omg what a night…+ karma for Bill


OMFG LOLOLOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: