omg how siq does Killzone look!

Bullshit. All PS3 haters please leave.

lol then who would u talk to jay :slight_smile:

not sure if you are stuck in time, a year ago, but new PS3s are 399, and “premium” xboxs are 349. hmm pay the extra 50 to get double the hdd space, more reliability, free online gaming and a blu-ray player… hmmm hard choice


Word about the Blu-ray player. I was looking to get a dedicated Blu-ray player but upon doing a search I found that the best one on the market currently is the PS3. I will have to wait for other companies to catch up.

Anyway, Killzone 2 had the controversy with the prerendered E3 showing. But if you watch this video of live game play you can see how fantastic this game looks.

PS3 is getting to be tempting,things can only get better for

MGS4 and Gran Turismo 5 will be well worth it.Killzone looks quite siqqq.

I’ve had some decent experiences with sony on the customer service end,not gonna lie.Consumer end as well.

dont forget built in wireless. another add on for xbox.

360 Pro cost 349 doesnt come with a HD or blu ray player, or wireless and has 20 gb storage space

40gb PS3 costs 399 has wireless, blu ray player and obv 40 gb space…how is that such a bad deal?

hopefully PS3 can churn out some good exclusive games, cause imo thats the only edge xbox has besides online…which you have to pay for…ps3 is free :confused: but i guess i would hope to have a better online expirience if i were paying for it. but fwiw i liked PS2’s online play…at least with socom.

If you are buying a console for online, why not just get a computer? I can’t wait to pick up my PS3. I look at PS3 to what happened to the dreamcast. When it came out, it was so above and beyond anything, let alone much more expensive and the system failed. I feel PS3 has the power behind to create some really stunning gameplay with or without online gameplay. Besides, who can argue with GT5?

GT5 plus online comps, ftw

That does look pretty nasty

Because a computer currently cannot touch the ease of xbox live. As far as everyone hating on shooter with a controller it levels the playing field and you see much less people who are untouchable on console.

most newer “games for windows” games have built in “LIVE” support :tup:

works exactly the same as 360, with some exceptions… check it out, pretty neat direction for the PC market (although there is already steam I guess)

^ agreed, its more difficult to be good on a console, i enjoy it more

they turn off aim assist when playing on live don’t they? I was going to say, that would level the playing field for cross platform online gaming

But as long as there are different pc devolopers there will always be other ways to connect. Live is very simple and its just a great way to communicate.