one of those car storage pocket zipper things.

hey guys,

I’m fiddling with the idea of getting one of those things that you drive the car on, then zip it up, so it forms a protective pouch.

I have a ton of driveway space, and need to store my car. I don’t want to pay someone with a garage to store it again this year, i’d rather just get a fully enclosed car pouch thing.

I’m sort of against those shelter things, they look like they will cave in.

Can someone recommend a good car pouch that will be totally waterproof for the entire winter, and i won’t have to worry about it…


yeah… don’t use one of those. Tom (the guy that had like 10 cars) had 2 of them and if I remember correctly, he had trouble with them.

If i get a house by winter, you can use mine.

woah jesus, it just occurred to me that your steve.

you changing your handle on here totally fucked me up.

I’m thinking to myself, jesus christ how does this dude know that weirdo tom.

hahaha :lol: