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What a horrendous color Civic :rofl holy shit



really?? are you gonna keep this one?

yeah i love them my third pair. they usually last a yr a piece

it’ll be sold bey next winter :crazy

what kind of boots are those?

bought a california car cover for the evoh. here is pictur

CAR COVER? That car was made for winter driving.

but your car doesnt have a spoiler…:ponder

It’s specially cut for an RS Evo.

Chris, I’m not driving the Evo in the winter sorry.

So no picnic table on the trunk then?

haha nope!

i wanna get this soo bad, but that would require me getting a 360 first :confused:

get the limited edition 360 for $400 that comes with the game, extra controler and bigger hd…

I got it, that night like most. I also got the cube display thing that goes with it.

I believe you mean a PS3…

The red car in there for sale too?? :excited

and i just did that 20 mins ago…