no shit.

fuck… between the election and this, I’m glad I sold my stock in prozac

At least someone had an exit strategy…


Im a lil surprised.



lol :stuck_out_tongue: it’s all good… I hope some shit gets done, reguardless who won

well its all down hill from here



I will miss his half ass unrehearsed idiotic explanations on why things are the way they are. :sigh:

This is just step 1 in the plan to take back control in 08.

Not a chance, we’re going to get so much shit done we’ll take another 3 senate seats and 10 house seats along w/ the White House in 08

Ive beening meaning to post/ask You this: Tell me how You feel about Obama.

Wow, this day just keeps getting better and better :slight_smile:

Watching the news conference now. Don’t let the door knob hit you in the ass on the way out Rummy. <3

So what do you think of his replacement, Robert Gates?

Doing a little Googling on him I see he was “looked at” during the Iran Contra scandal but was never charged.

Looks like a pretty clean record, and a good resume for the position:,8599,1556651,00.html


There’s an interesting comparisson to be made with Robert McNamara. Then again you kids would probably all be too young to know/care and nobody learns history anymore.