More Obama BS

So I thought it was interesting how the president thought it would be a great idea to fly his jumbo jet around manhatten for a half hour today. Scaring the living shit out of everyone in the city, prompting evacuations of entire office buildings and pissing off NY officials.

You would think that spending all that money and scaring the shit out of NYers just to fly the jet around manhatten for a half hour was for something very important seeing as our economy is in the shithole. But no. They wanted to take fuckng pictures of the jet flying around the statue of liberty. WHAT THE FUCK.

Yes Mr. President. 9/11 really did happen.

yep, i hope everyone that voted for him has some “buyers remorse”

thats pretty fucking stupid :lol

thats why you dont vote for a…oh wait, i cant say that word on here…

So you mean to tell me the USAF or any of these “NY OFFICIALS” had no warning whatsoever that the president of our country was going to fly around the city? Jeez. lol

Wow, thats just plain old retarded…

According to the article he denied knowing about it. But here is my argument against that. HE is saying he is changing the way the govn’t spends money wastefully and yet he dosen’t notice the $100K+ photoshoot they decide to have with his personal jet. Not to mention what it cost NYC in just one half hour to evacuate entire office buildings, etc. It’s bullshit.

Why the evacuations? Did they really think the president was going to suicide bomb buildings?

I swear people are retarded.

That’s just it. Law enforcement was notified but told that it was top secret and that no public or media were allowed to know of the event.

Yeah, that is a little over the top.

Um, I’m pretty sure that it would be kind of hard to know it was the presidents plane. Imagine being in an office building and seeing a huge jet with fighter planes buzzing by your window. I would be out of there as well.

Is their any chance we can leave the I hate obama/I hate mccain/political topics till the winter. If not, thats fine, I’ve long given up trying to sway people in their political views, to each his own.

Yea all you see is a plane and then proceed to run out in fear of a terrorist attack


This thread is retarded. The White House fucked up. Not Obama or the mayor of NYC as they both stated they didn’t know.

+1. Let’s move it along people (yawn)

He was just showing off his fly whip to his boyz in the 5 boroughs.


What does this have to do with Obama? he was not aware of this until it actually happened
FAA,NYPD was clearly responsible for not notifing the public…