Obama coming to Buffalo next week

So this is really more of an NYS thing but since the Sarah Palin event was in here, I suppose this belongs here too.
President Obama is coming to Buffalo next Thursday to talk about the economy.
Details still being worked out. I’m going to try really hard to get in on this.

Oh boy thats gonna be an event for sure. I will be avoiding driving anywhere he is that day. I wonder if this is why there were lots of army trucks going both directions on the 33 this morning. Possibly getting ready for extra security at prior…

Maybe we can name a mall or a street after him, like McKinley.


I see what you did there :hsugh:

Hmm… buffalo just put in the longer runway… Might have to go check out Airforce 1 that day…

Apparently Gillibrand was involved in bringing him here. I’m surprised. I was pretty sure she thought that the Hudson was the NY/Canada border…

She’s been getting more involved in WNY lately little by little. Apparently the events are likely to be a town hall meeting, meetings with local businessmen, and a visit to a restaurant in the city. Hopefully I can get in on the town hall.

She was here shortly after being appointed.

I don’t necessarily agree with her much of the time, but she’s at least been able to realize there is a NY state outside of NYC, something her predecessor never did. Of course Hillary never really gave a shit about NY, NYC included, since we were just her stepping stone to the national stage.

i work for prior, havent seen any army truck coming in. And im not sure if Obama will be going to prior, last time airforce 1 came in with George Bush they went over to the cargo side of the airport, but who know maybe they will taxi him over to prior and i can get pics

can you guys keep us posted on the event… if tickets can be bought i would like to go for sure…

who cares…id go if it was bush

SRSLY? Just listen to a HS dropout speak, equally eloquent.

I think I saw a black heli flying over Jay’s house.


VERY well played

You will probably be getting a visit from the MIB shortly :lol:

Obama is an idiot and I pay enough taxes to listen to him speak so I won’t waste another dollar. I hope he burns his mouth on some suicide wings… maybe then he won’t talk for a while and we’ll be safe from him for a few minutes at least.

try living in canada or ontario with dumb liberals…i plan on moving to alberta to eacape the idiots mcguinty is a moron i hope he drops dead

Man, so much hate

400 protesters when Bush came, can the Right top that?

Probably, and Obama didn’t even get a few thousand American soldiers killed for no apparent reason.