@#*( so awesome

The kid is my hero, ill definitely get my kid to work out with me from a young age.

LOL just epic. I’m not gona comment further, just watch and see for yourself.

He’s probably miserable and has had no childhood.

You’re just jealous you can’t lift as good as he can lol

At the age of 25 he will be the same height as now!

They say people that start body building in their teens have stun their growth potential in height, just imagine the damage this kid will cause to his potential height.

“They” also say taking steroids gives you ‘roid rage’.

Lots of exercise/workout/lifting/whatever = myths…

Yeah… that’s not really a myth though, you do permanent damage to your muscles which constrict and cause your bones not to grow as they should.

Trying to remember the medical name for the condition but it eludes me right now.

It’s a myth that keeps being repeated in every high school… look it up harder… just as ‘roid rage’ is a tabloid spread myth that sadly even doctors keep spreading.

I know plenty healthy taller than me body builders that have been lifting since their pre-teens… and not to use them as an exception either.

I’ll agree to disagree for those that believe these things.


That’s my hero…

lol thats sad

^^^ lmfao

Side effects aside, it’s not fucking normal at ALL to workout when you’re 5. You’ll miss your entire childhood – for what? To look like Vin Diesel?

The ending of the video is hilarious!

the comments ppl make on youtube are teh funny.

“muiere2 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam
dont try to leave your dreams throw your kids just because your were a failure”

do not want. I’d rather throw mine into kumon and turn him into an accountant of sorts.

why work out soo young if you can get strong and big when your like 15? That kid is not going to be normal later on…

I’m sure this kid has a childhood he just works out instead of playing call of duty like every kid these days what happned to the good old days… Lol


Actually most successful martial artists begin at 4-5 years old. I only did martial arts since i was 12… I WISH I could have started younger…

Most of the ‘genius kids’ that do something really really well tend to have started that activity at 2-5 years of age.

It’s cultural upbringing that sets predefined age limits as to what is the ‘right time’ for certain things.

I know this is hard to swallow for some on here unless they’ve read history but in the past, people married, had children 10+ people matured physically and mentally better than alot of people in ‘modern society’.

People used to be scholars, soldiers, engineers, generals, kings, leaders, in their teens!

It is culture that defines what is ‘childhood’, when to marry, when to have children, when you are considered ‘an adult’, etc… Plus its good for business in a capitalist environment to have dumb sheeple that are too busy with paying for entertainment well into their 20s as opposed to social practical development. Companies are very happy to have ‘childhood’ activities that make them lots and lots of money. This is not to say we can’t have fun, but just think about what I’m saying.

That’s why most guys end up living with their parents or unmarried on their own well into their 30s now a days. That’s why most kids are immature and dumbasses knowing nothing about anything well into their 20s being too busy playing video games and wasting time.

There’s nothing wrong with upbringing children from a very young age in both intellectual and physical activities. In fact that 2-5 years of age period is the most important where the children will learn the quickest both due to their brain’s softness, rapidness and constant development and formation.

Just sayin…

I learned the 5 languages I know before turning 12… studying languages now, I don’t have time but at the same time it doesn’t feel as easy as before.

I agree

That’s nuts, I’m jealous of anyone that can speak multiple languages. I want to at least try and learn Spanish and French but its quite difficult with the amount of hours i work to try and find time to do things like that.