So I bought a GTR.....

No hate for the GTR, just am totally sketched by the oil pump drive. I’ve never driven owned a car with this solid of a chassis before. It feels like its on fucking rails round the bends. And that’s just with some decent coliovers. I’d love to track the shit out of this thing with r compound tires and some decent multi link. That would be a monster.

Sadly, I don’t think I’ll ever have enough piece of mind in the motor to repeatedly track it and beat it like I want to. Maybe I’m just too paranoid, I dunno. I like bulletproof. I like having the confidence that I can drive with nothing in my mind except for lines, braking points and full throttle apexes. Not really liking the little demon in the back of my mind all the time. Just last night I heard a story of a full race rebuild rb26 blowing up at the track first corner. 30G into the motor.

That shit sketches me right out.