The Everlasting "Who's going to LVD" Thread

cant go. GE owns my soul

It’s going to be Africa hot and I have bartending class.

Probably not…I’ll stick with my 12.9 and 13.0 runs and leave with $$$ in my pocket.

Ill be there watching

Someone pick me up.

Me Too ! haha

you guys might want to call before you head down. In round lake we got a wicked bad rain/wind and hail storm that was the size of nickles and it just started raining in cp…

It’s not raining like a fuck there?

Its sunny as hell here.

Gorgeous in Colonie

im just saying we have severe thunderstorm warnings and shit. It would suck to go out there and pay to get in only to have it close shortly after from a storm.

Ya i did that last week . Shit sucked and they didnt refund the money

Not supposed to rain here. Im 5 miles from the valley.

It’s darker than Akon here.

So come get me and lets go.

0.01 inches of rain at 8pm. Shave your pussy and lets go.

its gonna rain out dude…

High winds and a greenish sky in colonie

i just had the best run EVERRR!!!