Things to bring back from hong kong (Car related)

Well, I have a friend going to HK tomorrow. So I want him to grab me some things for my car. Nothing HUGE (engine, Shit like that).

Any ideas?

If it’s for YOU, then tell your buddy what YOU want.

Unless your buddy is willing to bring something back for me?

steering wheels…


DOHC HUD S13 cluster

yes please lol

dark grey… or black… deep dish

Or a maziora green ftmfw.

carbon fiber strut bars like that guy has on the gtr who did bull run ( i think that was the show)


…what do you need?

kung fu vids… crzy gagets…

180sx typeX

  • tails and corner markers
  • carpets
  • windows Visors
  • any JDM headlights conversions
  • Nardi/Personal steering wheels with hubs
  • front bumpers, sideskirts, rear valances

whatever unique to 240sx aand from 180 typeX will sell easilly

good luck

A Gen coupe.

how about you be a nice guy and bring back a bomex mesh front grill for my silvia and i’ll buy it off of you lol

A prostitute…

^^lol, find one without the adams apple…

+1 on that


lool…true !!

YOOoo theres nothing good in hong kong lol truuust me im goin soon and my cuz lives there, theres not really any good cars there or parts from what he knows.

Ya there isn’t much to get at all… If your friend drives or has access to a car, you can have him swing by the junkyards, might luck out there. Other than that, you can pick-up some local car mags, I think their equivalent to our Auto Traders, but they usually have a lot of used stuff (mostly electronics, and suspension goodies) that go for a good price. Good luck…