typical childhood activity.


obvious fake and repost

double fail

give me your car so i can use it as a winter beater

benny is butt hurt

you fail thats so old

yea dude, your lying, that is all, fakeā€¦ end of story

figured it was a repost but man its so funny as a new viewer, you never expect to see the kiddie pool on the landing lol.

New viewer? Jesus saw it on the internet befor you did.

i must have been busy with your moms.

New to me, probably because real life gets priority over the internerd

mythbuster even did show that proved this to be 100% fake

Ive never seen it before either. Pretty cool. Too bad its fake tho

Thatā€™s was cool

really Typical childhood activity !

^donā€™t know if spamā€¦

that was the point of the title, sarcasm. pretty odd place fir your first post? spam?