lol! idiot
SO awesome. :lol
Love the guy trying to defend the kid in the vid.
i clicked this thinking it was another repost of that clownshoe in the vette…
but hahaha!
you guys are all idiots. his car was totalled
from a roller over accident a few days prior.
it was built motor. he took that ou tand
replaced it with a junk motor, trans, and
clutch. flywheel shattered. u all faill at
knowing cars
fail at knowing cars because all the
people that watch and comment this video
are telepathic and automatically know
that this is the situation as soon as
the video starts. IMO you fail at life.
i doubt somebody would take alll that
time to swap a motor and trans just to
blow it up in his driveway… plus its a
dodge neon. its slow as fuck and aint
worth the hair on my balls.
(you hear that JIMP? GET EM!!!