Vote to permanantly ban Ahemd (rogerthat240)

Again after reading what you just said, I feel as if I need to repeat myself.

You contradict yourself way to much.

One minute you agree with what everyone is trying to say about YOU. Then the next, you go into a spiralling rage of blasphemy, and go on and on about nothing related to the topic. Then end it off with “SON is gay, Everyone is biased, yadda yadda”. The edit button was put there for a reason, learn how to make edicate use of it.

Im not that new of a member, so I know about the drama with you and everyone here back in the day.

Nobody has a problem with you posting in general. Its just what you say, and sometimes, if not ALWAYS, how you go about saying it.

You make it seem as if your ontop of the globe, and that everyone else must follow your opinion and not think for themselves. A good example would be the debate on the koni’s vs all other coilovers known to man.

Just chill, dont get so butt hurt over something as little as someone not agreeing with you. Like you previously statted, twice; there is diversity here.

The only thing that SON has in common (80% of the users) are cheap. Either that, or lacking in funds. …and people low ball …
Accept it. Its a local forum, we aren’t all balling like the guys down in the States, or the dudes and dudets in Europe, so easy with all the shit talking.

Lastly, if you are going to insult eveyone, do it with a little more style. You sound like a retarted 6th grader with no sense of humor. Who the heck do you know that says " Yo yo, should i go turbooo?" , “megan racing is yo serious”.

ZOMG, do you even re-read what you type? It’s like my eyes bleed when I read your comments. sigh.

Regardless of that, take in everything that I just said, and think about it. If your as mature as you claim, you wont bother with bashing me, and challenging me to a heated debate. Instead, you’ll move on, learn the moral of the story, and enjoy the rest of the holiday.


P.S. - You say that you only come here to read up on cool things that happen every once in awhile. Thats cool, I get that… but why is it that you must post something in every other thread, and attempt to start things? Trying to get that good ol’ post count up eh?

Stop talking smack. Stop thinking everyone is against you. Stop being negative towards those that aren’t on the same grounds as you.

and most of all.

Stop assuming things, and being so quick to stereotype EVERYONE here by saying that we’re all assholes that are mindless followers that dont agree on anything, and are always against people and bullshit like that. Its no different from racial profilling.

Hopefully after all of this you learn a thing or two.

I dont usually post this much, so appreciate that I felt like saying something.

Good day.

^^^ QFT!!!

Ahmed, do you always have to edit your posts? I don’t think I’ve seen ONE post that you’ve made that hasn’t been edited.

Anyways, you need to shut the fuck up about son240. Why don’t you point out the individuals rather than assume everyone on SON thinks that they are better than you?

From what I see, you definitely think you’re better than everyone else.

Seems to me like all you want is internet respect. You want to build some crazy hardcore track car and then show it off on every forum. You really need to shut up about how you’re building your car for yourself. You and I both know it.

OR even better…


The only thing I’ve ever seen from your car, is the GROSSEST roll/pull, and square tires. And 4x4 status.

MAYBE the only “some day”, “in time”, “you’ll see” bullshit will actually stop.

Because you’ve been around 240’s MUCH longer than me, but have NOTHING but one shitty picture to show for it. Or at least what I’ve seen. (Legitimately. I remember his ignorant posts when I FIRST joined son.)

Can ANYONE here vouch for his car? does he even HAVE an s-chassis?

rotflmao, i only have one real project thread on a forum. The other two I was asked to post on after someone saw it. I’m not posting it on son240, not worth it.

Internet respect? I dont demand anything out of you, get a life. I’ll say whatever I want to say just as you say whatever you want to say.

LOL and who are YOU to speak you had a gang of hooligang prebuscent kids come to your house threaten to beat you up hahahahha PLEASSSSE

Okay mr internet tough guy :smiley:

Why would I post a build thread on here?! Only to get people to talk shit in their ignorance or jealousy. Seriously. The fact that you already talk shit when I say something someone hasn’t heard of of before, why would I posted a build thread to talk about stuff people could care less about on here?

Everything you post is just annoying.

A thread about a funny vid and you talk about politics or some shit behind it. It’s just a funny video, people laugh at it. If you take something seriously that no one else does, that’s your problem and keep it to yourself.

Some, not many, of your posts are actually normal. But then you add some retarded ( witty comment that no one laughs at but yourself) in there.

You bring this upon yourself. Taking everything too seriously and over analyzing everything.

I’m not bashing what you have Ahmed. I’m bashing you because you talk shit about stuff you’ve never used yourself.

You’re no different than everyone else here. You need to take your head out of your ass because things have changed, but you haven’t.

You still talk about the same shit over and over again. Blah blah blah, everyone is so ignorant, jealous of you.

Okay… so link us to the build thread?

THIS picture does NOT validate anything you say, as anyone can blatantly see

I just want to see these koni yellows on your car. And the wilwood kit you said you got.

Please for the love of god, shut me up. Make me eat my words, because your car is SO sick.

Wow how lame… This proves none of you EVER go ANYWHERE but son240.

“shut me up oh oh”

Just because my car doesn’t look like yo yo stretch nazi squad from ziptied or zilvia’s wheel fitment whore thread doesnt mean it doesnt do what its meant to do. I don’t CARE about drifting or slamming a car. I care about actual PERFORMANCE of a car.

Function over form. I specifically picked non shiny parts to have the least attention. Everyone wants bloody chrome arms and shiny anodized crap. Even the housings for the dampers I made sure are black and not some whack pink neon green pick your color coilover style color. Had no choice on camber plates as tein and GC only came with the colors they regularly supply with their brand.

And you don’t have to believe me anything LOL obviously most think I talk out of my ass already. Yeah I deal with fairy dust and aladin’s magic lamp to make things happen.

I already posted three pix of my car that I never posted on here before including the coilovers.



Fobwall is hardly an internet toughguy. Just cause you fell for his provocation doesnt make him an e-thug.

Since you came back as rogerthat240, you changed alot from when you were a_ahmed. Now you’re alot more abrasive, offensive, obnoxious and extremely aggressive. You’ve been saying non stop, in almost every post that son is full of prepubescent kids and elitist fags who do nothing but rip on anything you say. Since you’ve been the supposed target of so many attacks wouldnt you be able to differentiate when people are attacking you or things you say? I’ve never made a personal attack on you, yet you’ve resorted to name-calling and generalizing all members under the category of “SON’s stupid fuken losers”.

TBH i never had a problem with you when you were a_ahmed, you never made rash attacks on the members of son, you just posted what you believed to be facts. Whether people were annoyed or not you werent doing anything wrong.

You used to conduct yourself with a certain standard of maturity, now it seems to have flown out the window. I dont think you should be perma-banned but maybe you should relax a bit, sit back and seperate the serious members from the elitist trolls from the prepubescent-over-enthusiasts.

I agree, just post a build thread in car chat and we’ll see if all you’ve said is true.; about how we’re all ignorant, we don’t understand how superior you are, etc

I’m just sick of how you keep bashing everything that’s Canadian and from Japan.

You don’t like my car? thats perfect.

At least my car is out in the open for people to discuss.

I still don’t see anything about your car.

Well I guess I act differently here because of the audience. Maybe everyone should take a cup of stfu and back off a bit?

Anything I ever say on this forum gets attacked regardless of issue. Without any intention to discuss or FIND OUT what I’m talking about. Instead smart alec comments and sarcasm and cynicism.

No I do not have such issues with others on other forums. That’s why I called the whole of son sheeple and why I generalized.

Don’t poke me I won’t poke you. Simple physics.

When I speak, I don’t speak out of my ass. I speak to the best of my knowledge and the facts I am aware of. This stands true for more than just cars. Speaking of s chassis cars; my facts are based on not just son240 but a gajillion other forums and sources of research, reading material, etc… However people make it seem like I’m talking out of my ass and try to make a mockery of it. Hence name calling back. Poke and poke back.

Why should I post jack shit on this forum about my car? Everyone already believes I know nothing and have nothing not even an s chassis according to some LOL.

Car? Yours? Build thread?

I’m not gonna let up on that… just show us.

check PM

In that case, wouldnt it be fair to say that if you were “poked” and then you poked back then you would be perpetuating the cycle? If you are so much more mature than the whole of SON maybe you should stop poking back, stop generalizing and take the members who want to be serious, seriously and ignore the haters?

On a different note:
Your car looks mad clean, and i like your suspension set up, i still disagree with your decision for struts and springs, but before you say anything, a couple people on here know that i was actually considering koni yellows and h&R racing springs back in summer instead i’ve got a set of bilstein coils right now and i’m looking for some cusco inverted monotube 01s. I’m using SPL toe arms as well and i’m trying to source a pair of RUCAs right now.

But by god… your car is hideous.

What are you opting for now? If anyone wants to get schooled about suspension go to that forum. I’m nothing in contrast to those guys on there. And don’t post the link on here. I don’t want just anybody looking at my car or even going to that forum. For a short period they were invite only to keep out spam bots and randoms.

You could get the ebay crap arms and replace the rod ends. That’s what alot of guys do. I didn’t want the risk and dished out the cash while the canadian dollar was stronger on SPL arms LOL… the rod ends on SPL arms are 15/piece… and the ebay stuff is basically old school SPL replicas more or less but with garbage rod ends. PJ ran those successfuly in autox with no breakage or issues… I don’t see why they wouldn’t work for any of us. Don’t think of driving any of that in winter though.

Personally I am too busy with life right now, the car is on hold. I won’t spend no more on it, just fix what I said I need to fix… and fine tune … track… fine tune… maintain that’s it for quite some time. Ultimately I intend to do the chassis and body up properly… it costs to play… so I don’t care about primer, pulled fenders, etc… I am doing everything step by step and I have other priorities heh.


rogerthat240 pm’d me a build thread on his car.

I’m satisfied.

Yeah, its an ugly car, but… it should be very practical when he is done. Definitely not a drift car by any means, and that is what it was built for.

Thanks for finally providing a mature response.

Well heh, the car used to be MEGA clean in and out… until I set out to do what I wanted to do lol… I kind of miss it being super clean… oh well

Back in the day… this was the first time I got the car restored.

This is how the project actually began in its humble beginnings at 800$ :slight_smile:

I used to be made fun of on son240 for investing in non aftermarket stuff and lots of OEM stuff (replacing gas lines, fuel tank straps, rotor cap, etc… and all that crap costing $$$ ultimately)… but once the car was restored it looked so super clean in and out… I still miss that part of the car… but since I have two dailys now… its worth it in the long run… and all I care about really is making it fast and fun on the track :slight_smile: So function over form… for the time being.

The car is actually not that bad, the exterior is a super easy fix, I’ll get FRP/carbon stuff ultimately so I really don’t care.

The car is quite clean underneath actually nothing some work can’t do ultimately… like I said I’ll do it up properly ultimately.

Why don’t we all STFU, enjoy Christmas or enjoy the holiday(s) and stop acting like little kids? All people do on this website is argue (and I’m sure we can all agree that an argument and a “discussion” are different things) and bitch at people and call people names and think that everything we say is wrong.

I can’t count how many times someone has arrogantly given a response to a help thread of mine as though they’re king of shit and it was such a half-assed answer that it wasn’t even close to being the proper way to fix the problem, like Martino with the starter problem. Damn. (lol j/k)

Seriously though. Most of us are over 20 (Me not included, give me another year rofl) which is old enough to put our e-peens and egos away for a bit and try to make SON a great website for people to enjoy as an enthusiast community.

Simple answers to questions like “My car is idling funny, wtf?” such as “Try your IACV, it might need ____” will suffice (and there’s plenty of people with such maturity don’t get me wrong).

It’s hilarious how much of a joke much of the site is, but I respect the idea that this is a community that behind all the bullshit and babysitting has a great, intelligent member base and I’ve gotten lots of help from members who do shit for NOTHING but to be a great person.

/end rant

But really, guys, give it a rest. This is just another typical SON240 argument thread.

Mods, please change the title to “FREE E-PEEN STROKAGE THREAD v6.0 rev 0403”

Thanks =)