Rate your moderator

What do you like or hate about the moderator(s) of SON?

Too bad the poll only allows one vote, but feel free to state your multiples here.

That guy greg locks everything!

And Marc is forever posting disgusting pics of male genetalia :hsugh:

I voted for Marc

I voted for Axlerod, hes been very professional lately.

Gautam is starting to be mean to the n00bs.
Marc is always mean to the n00bs.
Greg locks everything.

The rest are less active in letting people know about their moderation actions.

And I guess I’m not on the list because people don’t complain about me?

Anyways everyone vote and post what you like/dislike about each of the
mods if you like.

I personally don’t have problems with any of the mods. Maybe this is cause I don’t often post useless things. When I was a noob (I haven’t been here for a year I might actually still be one?), I just kinda sat back and watched and learned about modding 240’s and also what to do and not to do here on SON. Looks to me like the mods are doing a good job.

Alot of people don’t read the RULES before posting, there would be next to ZERO locked threads if people would just READ!

Greg could be a little softer with his words when locking, but on the same hand I understand his frustration.

That is my only personal comment, but I don’t really pay much attention to who does the good and bad–I mean harsh modding.


*Edited for a runon sentence (didn’t want my post to be deleted-j/k)

I dont really have any problems with the mods. They do sometimes seem harsh, but generally they keep out the riff raff.
If anyone thinks the mods are pricks, you should come out to a meet, none of them are really assholes… except for adam, he tried to rape the pizza guy.

Ok this was tough. I voted for Greg because he is always great and cleans up crap in calm and collected way.

If I could have voted for two Axlerod would have been my other choice. Both of you guys do a great job.

On notes of mods I would like to see hit the dust. I have already made that clear to the other mods.


i voted for original nutta cause if i was a mod i would prolly be like that also


I didn’t put Andy in the list cuz he’s he’s the queen bee so he doesn’t
really count. And so I voted for…GT_GREG

I hated his locking ways before (some of you may remember those days
when I made the post in the Admin section about Greg bein a post whore).

But then I realize that it was for the good, and as I told him, it keeps the
jibber-jabber down.

Where’s the SON desi crew for my vote? :hsugh:

my 2 votes would go with Gautam and Jantos. mostly because i’ve met you both, you’re nice guys (for the most part :stuck_out_tongue: ), and while Adam doesn’t really mod as much anymore, Gautam you do your job very professionally.

i’ve had my problems with other mods before, but who cares. everytime i express problems with SON, people just tell me to “leave already” and that i “won’t be missed”.

1gq2nv - didn’t even know you’re a mod :oops: Nice guy thou, very helpful, posted that wicked 3D megan SS install.
Axlerod - Axlerod has good tastes, and is generally nice to me, so I like him :smiley:
bing - I like how bing tries to get people to co-operate for the good of the site as opposed to bickering all the time like we do now.
boMex - Bomex is cool. He has a hamster as an av and helped me out plenty with rims. I didn’t know he was a mod either thou :oops:
Gonad - Gonad is a good guy, but hates my guts :smiley: For this reason, I don’t have a too favourable opinion of him.
GT_GREG - Definitely the hardest working mod we have, strict, but fair. Even when I was a total n00b (not that I’m not now), he never ever gave me shit.
Original Nutta - likes QT and never did me wrong, good in my book.
s14_2Nv - Whoo!! Phil!! You da man :lol:
SHIFT_SR20DET - Good guy, knows his stuff, could be friendlier, but he’s still fair in everything he does.
Sven - I haven’t seen him post in like… months, and didn’t know he was a mod to begin with :oops:

Andrew (iquabob) - Good admin, helped me out when ppl were bein dicks to me, cool in my book.

Pretty much all the mods we have are good. Even the ones I’ve had disagreements with are good, and I just happen to have had disagreements with them for some reason or other, they’re not bad mods.

Keep up the good work guys! (and we need a female mod lol)

I’m not the desi crew but I felt bad so I voted for ya, G.

For what it’s worth…
Complaining about mods is dumb anyway. Well maybe it’s because I’m new to the club that I’m not attached to anyone’s ass or by the same token that I don’t have any grudges against anyone. Ever since joining I’ve always felt that the board is secondary to actual meets (except maybe now in the dead of winter when meets don’t happen as often) and the mods must do whatever they need to do to keep it liveable. If that means some complete noob is gonna get his/her feelings hurt at some point, so be it. It’s either that or risk turning this place into another MMTO, TSR, etc.

Just what I need, a pity vote. :gtfo:

I’m messin.

Solarian: I hate your guts? How did you come up with that one? I’ve
never met you or talked to you, or moderated your posts afaik.

Do clarify…

Neither has Pavel, and it’s pretty easy to tell he’s not my #1 fan. I don’t hold it against you though, you’re still a good mod. I just think you dislike me, that’s all.

Thank you.

lol nice to know im actually liked.


You wish, They just voted for you out of fear of getting Banned and Having the Tread Locked :stuck_out_tongue:

You wish, They just voted for you out of fear of getting Banned and Having the Tread Locked :P[/quote]

That’s exactly why I voted for Greg. :noes:

:twisted: good thing you did bitches…


Uh Oh… 7 Votes Adam… 6 Greg… :twisted:
