What did you do to your car today?

preach brotha

not that i drive my car in the winter, but one thorough detail job sealing the paint and everything would do the job. granted i love having a clean car, the shit they put in auto car washing AND the water being recycled is not to good.

someone did that shit to my car the other day on my fender. like wtf :banghead
i wouldnt care if someone did it on my window, but the paint sucks already on subarus and i dont need someone making it worse…

mocked up my umi relocation brackets, drilled them out on the drill press and got them bolted up onto the 12 bolt. Rear end is in the car I just need to finish some odd’s and ends up tomorrow afternoon.

Subaru paint is the fuckin worst, I’ve had my car for a month and have caused +/- 3,000,000 scratches… people think I’m a spaz cause I’m all anal about people touching my shit, but they dont understand that my car was apparently finished with nail polish, the real kicker is that everyone says its also near impossible to wet sand…

Love the mini. Drove my neighbors when they first got it in 2005 or something. Fun little cars.

Put diesel in er. Found for $3.99 when Mobil next door had it for $4.25. Fuck Mobils dumb high gas prices.

Exxon ftl.

Mine gets washed when it rains.

Or giant puddles. yeah!

Swore at it. Popped the clutch.

assembled 2 wheels/tires


fuckin pita

I looked underneath mine to find 3 mufflers, thats gotta change.

3 mufflers? Wtf …what car has 3 Mufflers?

Minivan is sold, Focus clutch is good to go, time to start doing work on the bimmer.

his early 90s V8 luxury car. its what happens when cars are built to be quiet

they are al heavy as hell too…

hells yeah they are. gonna make my audi into a lightweight euro type R36SS when i remove 1-2 of them. LIGHTWEIGHT!!! lol.

Tried to sell the wheels out from under it. http://www.shift518.com/showthread.php?p=769649#post769649

:thumbup im looking for a set of 36s/37s x 16.5 or with 8 lug wheels, if ya know anyone.