What you be for Halloween sucka?

I thought for a bit my “dick in a box” rendition would be funny, but I see a bunch of people are already going to play it out.

I’m out of ideas that are easy and mobile.

Companion cube

im the one with the gravity gun… but instead of a chick its a sweet dude

So you’re going as a sweet dude? Thats a huuuuge stretch, can ya pull it off?

i want to be a pirate! but i have to convince the boyfriend to give me pirate eye first.

prob not…ill go as a bad dude…



speed racer

howie could go as the dad

mario, mario brothers.

geico caveman

my friend and i are going as maverick and goose

Im going as the Trojan Man!

lots of fake scars/wounds

big bloody knife

white shirt that says “dont worry, its not my blood” and its covered with fake blood/handprints

lots of makeup

total cost 36.00

i might put on all my boxing gearminus the gloves, add some wraps, freeee

or just go as adams avatar


i want a howie costume