Official "What are you being for Halloween" thread.

Post up the ideas/pics…in past years some of the members on here have produced some hilarious shit.


I was a pretty bad ass looking pirate. Jack Sparrowesq

best costumes i saw last night were … sham wow guy, the shocker, all the half naked sluts, and a couple others i can’t remember off the top of my head.

im being the “tan tool”

I was cher from turn back time video, I will post pics later.

I’m putting on your chaps and being a cowboy/sheriff type of thing. Thanks again!

here is one

that is just disturbing lol

billy mays… to soon?

If I was to go it be as a Vampire Penguin

Billy May’s son asked if people would be him or a zombie him for Halloween.

Me and the girl are going as hawaiin punch. She’s going to be a Hulu girl, I’m going to be a kickboxer. Zing!

I already have all the kickboxing stuff required (wearing MMA gloves so I can still hold drinks) and she just had to buy $6 worth of grass skirts and leis.

nothing crazy. Cop.

a guy with swine flu

Costume or IRL?

unfortunately i didn’t put anything together this go

next year i have the best plan - going to require a lot of effort

My kid was supposed to be Billy Mays but we didn’t have the proper outfit.

I was just outside and heard this loud clomping sound…two guys dressed head to toe as robots, with lights and all…just silent walking down the street.

Quailmain…pics to follow

i was someone from HG tv, i was gutting my living room… knock knock, (door left open) Trick or treat!, errr, WTF?(kids look around at absolute destruction) there’s the bowl, take a bunch of candy, have fun!

that is just full of win right there

one of my buddies was Zombie Billy Mays…it was pretty awesome

OMG Zong… lol