What are you being for halloween this year

I want to think of an awsome costume for this year…Does anyone have any input…haha

I know this probably has been done but wither the dick in a box guy or mavrick and goose

I’m going as Sherlock Holmes and my girlfriend is going as a slutty version of Watson, with a gray moustache.

Marty McFly

Girlfriend, schoolgirl. Me- pedobear

I invented an alter-ego for a christmas party last year, and will be bringing him back as a halloween costume. Old-school NYC cop named “Biff” with handlebar mustache.

Here’s hoping this helps with ideas

:tup: Don. CLASSIC!

We have tentative plans to get my college bros in town, in which case we’ll do some type of group outfit. Senior year at Canisius we were all porn stars…I was Ron Jeremy with the stache, chest hair, hawaiian shirt, the one guy was Pete North with a super soaker full of some type of lotion, the one dude was Lex Steele with a black Mag Lite hanging out of his pants, and we had a Jenna Jameson, Kobe Tai, Briana Banks. That was a great success.



just have to figure out what KIND of zombie

any high profile celebs die recently?

Likely going to be Andre Agassi, circa 1990…

Dead 80’s Wrestlers would be a great group costume. Each with wounds.

If I had some extra weight and the right guy for a partner, I’d love to go as Billy Fucillo and Tom Park. I don’t know why, but I think it’d be funny.

Noteable mentions from Halloweens past.

Hanz and Franz
jay and Silent Bob
Ninja Turtles
Flava Flav

I’m either going to be a douche bag-pencil thin beard, stupid grafitti tank top, stupidly big sports team jersey with some idiotic pattern, gray sweat pants with cargo pockets, and unlaced Timberland boots. Or, a sleezey used car salesman-plaid leisure suit, if I had hair I’d slick it back, cigar, white golf shoes, and sunglasses.

I’m gonna buy the scarriest costume I can find and hide in the bushes… and when the mexicans jump the fence I’m going to jump out at them and scare them back into mexico… probably after they shit them selves

it wouldnt be funny, it would be HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!

Aww man… I wanted to be PedoBear!

LOL. Can you turn this into a Youtube video?

got it, guido zombie