Whats everyone being for halloween this year?

Heres me last year

:mrT: :zzz:

:eek3: :rofl:

that little kid in ur crouch!:smiley:



come on, you cant keep being the same thing every year… :greddy2:

please :slight_smile:

think i’m gonna dress up like an 03 cobra

Rick James, and burn a crack whore with my pipe…

i can’t get over that you did that for halloween!!
I have no clue what i will be this year. time is running out… ugh

at least you have good taste now :slight_smile:

you know what i’m going to be for halloween?


darkstars costumes , i’ve heard is a giant pink anal dildo. Ill go as…probably drunk.

figured id bring this old thread back since its halloween…here’s my bro’s costume, he wont first place for it actually…

he’s a gigantic douche bag…notice the jon kerry mask…

and you are?

I went as Jon Kolar again. And again, I didnt get any play. :hs:

joe dirt / white trash worked well :slight_smile:

camera phons suck

you were a black square?