What you be for Halloween sucka?

i know the pic is small and crappy, thats what happens when it was 4yrs ago… my friend pam looks like uma, and dressed up as Mia but a different ver from the Twist contest:

anyhow excellent choice vincent vega!

i’ll be going as hunter s. thompson. i really hope i don’t have to explain it to every person i see.

Well, after lots and lots of searching I have failed in my attempt to pull off a good :picard:

So I pussed out and bought a beer keg costume, hopefully I can modify it and make it a Samuel Jackson Beer Keg :tup: Even if its a shitty costume, atleast itll git ya drunkkk!!

i can’t wait to tap that shit. all pun intended.


Im trying to get my Malibu costume together

I can’t wait to see you guys…sooo funny!!! :lol:

oops wrong thread

MORE PICS! (mike!)