Wheel Recommendations

Well, I am looking for some new wheels for my 240, but I don’t know what to go with, so I need some help deciding.

The wheels will be going onto a gold 1990 240sx coupe. The wheels I have looked into are as follows:

Sportmax 501 16x8 +15

Sportmax 002 16x8 et 0

Rota Grid Offroad 16x8 +10

Those are the wheels that I have been looking at, the colours vary, but It would prob be black or Gunmetal for the 501’s and 002’s and hyper black for the Grids.

If there are any other wheels that come to mind and are in the similar offset and price category, please feel free to throw them out there.

16’s? common due those sportmax? those look like wheel that u only buy cuz some guy had them in his garage sale for like $50 , look at some sportmax 962’s 17x9 +35, maximum fluchness mad dich , mad cheap, if u want let me know , i can get em cheap for u

hector, can you really get sportmax wheels for a better price?

Wow those do sell for realy cheap, I wonder why


u got the offsets correct…

I wouldn’t pick any of those wheels.

If you want a set of decent wheels that aren’t too expensive, get Weds SA90’s.
I’ve seen them go for like 1000 bucks on ebay (brand new).

no no one get sa90 or u be copy me and il killllll uuuuuuuu get sa 70

honestly the two at the top make me wanna yak. the last one not so much… Tho I like the color it would go great with your car… Im hating big curved bent spokes. and how it looks like its sticking in front of the lip.

i like the 002’s and am considering on getting them in 16. they kinda look like watanabe’s… does anyone know where I can get a better price then Egay? www.carmodifier.com has them too… but Egay was cheaper…

Those sportmax wheels weigh as much as the car itself. Pig wheels.

Get lightweight wheels and actually improve your car’s handling, braking, acceleration, mpg, nibblness, traction, ride quality, etc…

I fail to see how a lightweight rim will improve traction or ride quality when it has no effect on either considering both would have to do with the tires and not the rims

Actually it does have an impact. And ride harshness increases when unsprung weight to sprung weight ratio increases. Try an experiment for yourself. Load the car up with people and also try driving the car with less people, an extreme example. if you lighten your car as well, you will decrease sprung weight and increase the ratio between unsprung weight, you will notice it. Except of course in that case it’s no longer just that factor, but spring choice wold come into play too…

Bigger heavier wheels = more unsprung weight = more harshness, less efficient braking, less efficient acceleration, less efficient suspension, worse milage. And when it comes to mpg, think about it, if tire pressure can affect mpgs so much, because it’s essentially a square not a circle that the car will be rotating in effect, imagine what massive sprung weight added by wheels like sportmax wheels will do, which are i believe 22lbs or 23 or i think 28lbs each or something like that… can’t remember but they are def 22+

Where’s Gonad with his IBslappingyouforbeingafuckinidiot when you need him?
Ahmed, you’re a ricer, not a racer, and as such the last person that should care about the weight of your wheels. Please, as a public service to this community, and mankind in general, refrain from giving anyone advice.

Are you a homosexual? Because you seem to follow me alot. Yeah you definetely are, as you’re JDM tyte and talk shit.

wow ahmed just made another thread gay again.

I still fail to see how a lightweight Rim will improve traction or ride quality…

I can go outside right now and remove my TE37s which are light weight and put my stockers one which are heavier and I dont notice a damn difference in traction or ride quality… well, actually, I get better ride quality from the stockers since they dont have low-profile tires…

I’m starting to agree with Fowball, your an idiot

TIRES = traction… NOT lightweight Rims.

Right be in the end light weight rims are better then heavy rims so it’s not like he way off, and the better your suspension works the better you tire will contact and hold the road.

It’s true. It takes one to know one, and I can definitely tell that Ahmed is an idiot.

sportmax is ghey… rota’s are slightly less ghey and those Grids are probably one of the least ghey wheels sold by rota making them only minorly ghey in the grad scheme of gheyness… weds are not ghey at all.

so go with the grids and leave the sportmax to street thugs.

rolling on sportmax is the auto equivalent of buying all your clothes at International clothiers.