Steering Wheels

I’m looking to pick up a steering wheel, but I just keep running around in circles. The problem is I have no idea what I want. Ebay seems to be a waste of time, its filled with 10 and 20 dollar steering wheels, that look like F+F knock offs, then I look higher end and their seems to be a massive price jump from about 30 to 200 dollars, when you get into momo etc. I want a nice wheel, something different instead of plain and boring, maybe like 60-80 bucks ish. Something with a bit of colour for the horn button would be nice to dress it up. Nothing seems to be out there. I’m kinda just ranting cause I’m bored, and I don’t really know where this is going, but if you guys have pictures or model names of wheels that are nice lemme know.

ps, no wood wheels lol

a have a sparco 323 (suede) that im very happy with

when i find a decently priced suede KEY!S racing one, ill sell you my nardi.

or just dont cheap out and buy one new like i did. instant baller status yo.

buy a 200$ wheel used for 75$ off Zilvia, they have steering wheels on there all the time

like john said, keep a look out on zilvia, theres always wheels for sale decently priced. Theres a few vendors there that sell new nardi/personal ect, might want to check those out, prices arnt that bad.

Why no woody lovin?

Thanks for the tips. And personally, I don’t think the luxury and style a wood wheel brings to mind fits with a car as rugged and almost … ghetto … as an s13.

Just cause SON carss are shit boxes doesn’t make the S13 a ghetto car, there are some really nice cars out there. It just depends what you want from your car, if your car is a track slut then it can be ghetto, but I want my car to be a nice summer ride for years to come so I keep it clean.

no no no thats not what I meant. SON has wicked cars, and I love s13’s. I mean the s13 was just a cheap nissan, without any crazy luxury parts. Maybe its cause my last car was a Stealth, and it came fuckin pimped from the factory.

Cause it had leather? lol


I’ve had 5 or 6 momo’s… they are pretty decent for the price. My personal favorite right now is my OMP deep dish one. I’ve also had a couple nardi wood wheels. I think I’m going back to a wood wheel soon. Its the jam.

I just picked up a woody that i have to revarnish and give a paint job to, can’t wait to put it on :slight_smile:

try and tell me my wheel isnt fucking baller…

Nardi is the shit man. drop some coin. my cousin who drives a 911 always tells me how much he wants my wheel.

Woody’s are the shit, I love the feel of mine, so smooth, yet so grippy. Anyways you said you didnt want a wood one already.

I wouldnt suggest getting a suede one unless you wear gloves everytime you drive, the grease and dirt from your hands will matt that down fast. Good track wheel, bad for DD.

Go all out and buy a new nardi leather deep corn, you wont be dissapointed.

Those nardi’s are beautiful, I’ll see what I can find.

for god’s sake buy a name brand wheel.

no-name ones are actually a safety hazard, they flex like a child’s toy.

Are you retarded or just stupid ^ ? I already said I’m looking for a used name brand wheel, and I dont want a cheap ebay wheel. You and Logik23 should go out to dinner.

What the fuck?


please quote where you said this.

all i got out of it is “hey, i looked on ebay for quality parts for cheap prices. i didn’t find anything, so can someone please tell me where i can find a great wheel for 1/3 of the price it’s worth”

and that statement ususally leads to people buying ractive wheels.