Who do you think will come out ontop? GM or Ford?

Who do you think will get the bailout between the two.

Post your reasons why you think so. One of them will get it for sure, and I’m saying Ford because they have more liquid cash to hold out until Obama becomes President.

GM only has enough cash to last the year or the beginning of 2009.


On what grounds are we discussing upon though?
I may have missed something lol.

they both fail.
shit cars, for multiple years

i kind of want ford to survive, cuz the european ford has some baller cars that are supposedly coming over, like the euro spec focus which is like hardcore rally superstar

You gotta start readin’ the paper son!

Haha, yea…to busy catching up on everything else to know whats going in the papers.

I agree with Gyani that Eurpean Ford’s are totally better cars than North American. I had new Focus for two weeks there and it’s a lot better quality vise car.

who cares its not much of a lose if they both fly off the face of the earth

not much of a loss?

think before you speak and educate yourself…please.

Ford is planning on introducing Ford Europe models into the north american market. Specifically using the Mercury Brand.

They’re better off failing and going bankrupt so someone else can buy them and start over. But, I’m sure the CEOs wrote enough checks to buy U.S politicians and pass these bailouts.

I feel sorry for the U.S tax payers, paying these crooked mofos. Just like the $700 bn bailout, a bailout for them will be another cash and dash.

Also, with the U.S in deep shit, meaning there 10 trillion dollar debt, giving these guys money will raise the debt level and wont help the fight against inflation. If the U.S keeps running the printing press, they will have a $10,000,000 bill like Zimbabwe due to hyper inflation.

Instead, Canada should open there own automotive company. We are the only industrialized nation that does not have our own auto brand.

So you obviously don’t realize the impact of jobs not only for the workers in these numerous plants, but also the hundreds of markets asscociated with the automotive sector.

If both were to shut down completely prepare for a major economic hurting.

Just take a second and think of all the parts needed to make a car…Hardly any of the parts are made by GM or Ford directly, but are infact out sourced to other companies who follow close directions/tolerances set by said manufacturer. Believe me I know. I make and install automated machines for companies that are making parts for GM and Ford that have no ownership by them.

As for the question “who would I wan’t to get the bailout?”, I would wan’t both to get it. As for people thinking that GM or Ford should be gone…They are a North American company…I hope these people realize YOU are part of North America.

Both companies will be fine. They’ll just get bought out.

That would fail epicly…

They’d produce cars that go no faster than 100km/h, are Honda Accord knock offs, and have police control units hardwired into the computer so any illegal action will result in your car automatically pulling over, and a hand reaching out of the stearing wheel giving you a ticket…:rolleyes:

^^ lol


Not legal for sale in Ontario.

I would go with GM, they have a long history in the American Economy with 3-4 big names of Buick, Pontiac, Cadillac…and CHEVY lol!

we’ll just have to see what comes next…Ford Euro Models are top of the line and in the UK, they despise Civics “old timer favs” just give you a taste of the consumer behavior there, Ford Mondeo has been the car of the year for quite some time in Europe.

GM in Europe not so well as Ford in terms of quality, they still hold their own because overall the European divisions have much better cars than North America…shame.

They will end up merging.

^ hmm, I heard of that before…that could be possible…shudders

Its sad how our economy rely’s on 2 shit ass automotive producer.