who took the trooper exam

Fuck you!!! you don’t know me at all so stfu

:rofl: thanks for proving my point even further. now run along little man:gtfo:

You’re being an annoying little spic. you judge me after one video you obviously never went to the ice bowl or tailgating for that matter

kinda sounds like an asshat cop to me

point proven again. “you’re being an annoying little spic” ??? yeah, you should be one of the first ones they hire…

You want to be a trooper and post stuff like this on a public forum. Not a good idea.

none of you guys know me at all. Point proven!!

#1- thats racist (reported to mods), and FYI im not hispanic.
#2- i was at the Ice bowl, and I tailgate at EVERY single home Bills game
#3- take a look at yourself in that video, you look and act like an idiot.


BAN. reported.

you can leave now k thanks bye

Ha i made a thread asking a question and go figure people had to come in here that didnt take the test

why should he leave? you’re the racist guy who tries to fight random people in parking lots.

dude it was a game. My thread k thanks bye

oh, ok. that excuses it.

you never talked shit to any opposing fan at any sporting event ?

not nearly to the fucktard level that you elevated yourself to. good luck getting hired.

Thank you and good thing im clean and my uncle is a NYSP investigator so i have a good chance.

You’re really going to drop racial slurs in a thread about trying to become a law enforcement officer? Really?

Take note:
