X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

lol funny thing is thats true

anyone wanna play tonight, or today?

i may be down for a bit later tonight. haven’t played in 2 days… haven’t really been in the mood. Wierd

yeah ive been trying to finish this game here, im almost done, havnt played r6 in a while either.

ive just been busy as hell, but i might try to get in on some r6 tonight

are you gonna be gay and play by urself, or actually play with us

lol, he cant get his rank up playing with us, we are too good, hes gotta play n00bs :stuck_out_tongue:

lol lick me doods. i seriously havent played in over a week now, sometimes my shits been on but i havent been there. 50 hr work week + 4 classes + party time = no R6, but ill try to join the gang tonight HIGH 5

hahahah no high5!!!

fine maybe a tiny one high 5


FINALLY got R6. ill be on tonight, hit up my gamertag

I will most likely do some r6ing after work, look for me and we’ll do some leveling up.

eh… maybe

Shit valentines day… Looks like i may have to do this tomorrow after work as well.

i had classes mon+tues :expressionless:

tonight i’ll be down for shooting you with my ultra-better-than-mp9 gun, if you guys want

im pretty close to moving up to first sergeant holla




puertoricankillaazzzzzz ngggaaaaaa LOL

adam is a giant nerd

anyways… still ahven’t played in days…OMG… am i getting bored with it :ohnoes:

just been busy packing and shit… but i may finally be on tonight… plus… kyle should be on tnoight :eek: AHHHHHHH

Q: Can joo guyz stop lafing dood?


You should have corrected him on his use of puertorican killer. And make him call him self puerto rican that kills, cause clearly adam is the puerto rican killer.

PS puerto ricans have shitty internets.


i wish i was there to witness this.

what time was this at?