you know its summer when....

you start seeing supercars on the road. This past saturday i saw


on the road. Time to start keeping a digital camera in my car. The pagani sounded amazing even at 20mph when he passed me in an oncoming lane.

meh … all i’ve seen has been 2 bentleys, a maserati, a lambo and a ferrari

350z’s are the only supercars i see around here </m3-dis> :ohnoes:

i saw a mcclaren once on transit turning onto main to head into clarence, that was the top car ive ever seen in buffalo

i saw a real nice looking bentley drop top yesterday heading onto the 90…

SLR or F1?

I wasnt aware of any F1’s in the area, but know of two SLR’s.

oh and 2 aston martin’s messing around on the 290 yesterday afternoon … that was fun

an F1, orange. this was probably about 3 yrs ago

I see a black S2000 everytime I look out my door…wonder who owns it. LUCKYYYYYYYY

I see a black S2000 everytime I look out my door…wonder who owns it. LUCKYYYYYYYY

win! :lol:

you know its summer when the fucking birds wont leave my car alone.

my car never touched your car i swear!