00 Camio SS

couple cell pics of my car a week after jowhawk buffed it, he did a great job, thanks joe. sorrry if image isnt good due to shit phone.

annnnd pics look terrible sorry ppls

Looks clean man

Damn second picture looks like a poor quality selling brochure photo.

Well done.

well make me an offer then haaaaaaaaaa ill get amdisthebest todo pics soon


wow that looks good.

I need to have mine buffed!!

needs more MS4 in this thread

looks like the oldsmoaudi driver put in work on dis whip

looks good…better pictures would probably do it more justice :lol

Confused, but cool none the less. Richie, PM me your number…:wink:

thanks all and MOAR MS4 DEF NEEDED and soon to come lol, and the pics i took as usual came out great onmy phone but once sent to computer, not so much but just wanted to try and show off joes work butttt thats not really happening, ill get better pics ihope today or tom

MS3 is needed…more head choices where you dont need to flycut your pistons like the MS4 with a aftermarket head.

Worst pics EVER Rich. :rofl

car looks good, just the quality isnt the best… nice tho!

naaa just swapin the ms4 from ws.6 to thiss, heads i was guna buy last year (custom trickflows) werent guna need any flys to pistonzzz

pics. really dont do it justice richie,the car is fuckin CLEAN in person


thanks fluff, pics hopefully will be taken tonight by k20 and posted hopefully in this thread tom. if all goes as planed!

Oh shit kid hit me up