1.1 cubic microwave

Ok i got this from evilsrt/jeff with the promise that i pass it on when i’m done with it. Well i finally broke down and bought a new over the range micro (orviille whse sale) this past weekend so i’ll pass this on to whoever might need it. You gotta pick up. works well nothing fancy its black its an emerson MW9107B.
call me 863-1148 or pm me

Nobody Needs This??? how about your shop to heat up old crappy coffee

I’ll take it if no one else does. EVEN GIVE YA A FREE pie for it if ya bring it to tonawanda

Dammit I’ll take it!

I cant Drive as i’ve just got out of hospitaland Dr. says no driving for 2 weeks soooo Jam gimme a call and come get it

my wife even cleaned it. the thing looks like new

Oh man, I would love to see this thing get passed down member to member over the next few years.

With this microwave, legends are born.

Did jam take it?

i need this if jam doesnt 4722488

no word from Jam
come get it
