1-15-09 another nyspeed daddy

Congrats man :tup:

congrats man!

congrats man - apparently I was sitting next to you about an hour ago. Our kid was the dick that cried first and made everyone else cry. drinks in the parking lot? I got a bottle of bubbly.

AWESOME!!! Nice work.

Believe it or not 14 hours isn’t that bad for the first one. :slight_smile:

congrats !!!

Congrats John!!

congrats, sound like we need to have meets at chucky cheese’s

keep away from beck!!!. congrats man. her first word is gonna be BOOST

thats a lot of hair!


Congrats, mine is already getting big, the time goes fast.

Congrats man and just realized you guys are right next door.I was even making a comment on how much hair your daughter had.Hope our kids all turn out great.If you’re still around when ya read this stop over and say hi.

congrats man

Congrats JD. She’s cute and damn you weren’t lieing about the hair.

:tup: alot f us in the last month

congrats! so i guess she wont be a kickboxer and ripped; beating up kids at the age of 5 now huh :wink:

lol NYSpeed party at childerns

i hope she sleeps this lil one month old shit i got here still does not…:tup:

holy crap… the trifecta. this must mean something?

I was thinking the same thing when I saw turbociv’s daughter, girl’s got more hair than I do.

seriously??? omg a friggin nyspeed meet at millard filmore hospital. I had no clue we were all here. Im at home to let the doggy out and to spend a few hours with him and ill be back at the hospital around 7-8am.

this is some crazy shit.lol small world. saturday is our last day finally. yay. :slight_smile:

DANG! 8lbs and 10oz :slight_smile: Congrat man. My boy was 7.7 lbs. Atleast when you changing her diaper, you don’t need to worry she’s going to shoot at you LOL. I have to cover up the private part just in case he shooting in my face.