well, after going in at 1pm on 1/14 a beautiful baby girl was born @ 3:41am on 1/15/09. We cant believe how much hair she had when she was born.
A healthy 8lbs 10oz and here she is with her scary looking daddy.
I guess life is different from this day on.
OOMMMGGGG YYYAAAYYYYYY… sorry i sounded like a little girl there.
Congrats man i was just talking to matt about when this thing what coming out today.
January 15, 2009, 10:17pm
John, your fingernails are dirty
January 15, 2009, 10:21pm
Congrats John.
Today is one of my sisters bday too.
nah, smashed my finger with a hammer a wile back. its almost grown out.
thanks everyone for the compliments. Im super excited and super nervous all at the same time.
So far i got to experience burp on my hoodie, soiled diapers, and pee.lol But when she cries and i pick her up and she stairs into my eyes im in love.
who woulda thunk, im a dad.:eekdance:
PS- whats her name?
Brielle Anne Donovan a fine irish name for a fine irish girl.
congrats!!! i was born on Jan. 15th 1989 at 3:38 and weighed 8lbs 10oz. weird!
January 15, 2009, 11:20pm
congrats john.
just need to find a miniature racing seat and harness for the bimmer now.
January 16, 2009, 5:20am
Awesome. I’ll be looking forward to the DIY: Raise a human thread. :tup:
January 16, 2009, 5:38am
Having a girl 1st softens you up more than a Boy would.
Boys are allowed to cry it out… but not girls
(I’m OK with making a high maintenance human:D)
congrats john. Just think, if it had been a boy you would only had parental protection over 1 penis.
Yay!! Congrats…she is beautiful! Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting. May your sleepless nights not be to hard.
Congrats again!!
Congratulations! Cute kid.
Did I miss a NYSPEED party 9 months ago? lol