1/29 tonights family guy

was absolutely hilarious lol. stewie completely going off and beating the shit out of brian several times was the best.

IB4 it gets moved like my threads…lol

yes it was hilarious!

i dvr’d it…gonna watch it soon

Can you host it skunkape?

Ya it was hilarious… I love this show.

BTW… Stewie is getting his own Internet Talk Show soon.

me to

It should be up on bitTorrent within a few hours… it always is.



It’s called a shakedown… :tup:

was there a new one at 9, check dvr now

edit: watching now :slight_smile:

very funny… :tup:

meh… it was OK… the brian vs stewie thing was funny… the rest of the episode… not.

somebody gonna host it… im not a bit torrent member

lol. i like the part when peter shows up at his high school reunion in the spacesuit :lol:

omg it was great
“you shot metwice in the knees and burned me with a flamethrower”

somebody host it PLEASE! or whats the name of it so i can search for it somewhere

i almost died when he capped his knees…lolololol…

use tv.com to find the name
look for it on any p2p, I’m sure somebody’s got it up on one of those already.

hahaha… it was great… i love family guy.

Brian > Stewie with a bus.